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Baird Creek Urbanization

The Effects of Urbanization on Baird Creek, Green Bay, WI, MS Thesis, Jessie C. Fink, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2005. (defense presentation; Chapter 3; App. B)

The Effects of Urbanization on Baird Creek, Green Bay, WI, WI AWRA Meeting, Delavan, WI, Jessie Fink, Kevin Fermanich, and Timothy Ehlinger, March 3-4, 2005. (presentation)

Biological Monitoring

Interactive Effects of Soil Moisture, Temperature and Depth on Fine Root Dynamics in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie in Northeast Wisconsin: Implications for Carbon Sequestration. MS Thesis, Adam C. von Haden. University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2012. (

Maximizing Ecological Services and Economic Returns by Targeted Establishment of Biomass Grasslands for Electricity and Heat Generation in Wisconsin. M.E. Dornbush, P.D. Baumgart, K.J. Fermanich, A.M. Rieth, J.R. Stoll, A.C Von Haden, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. April 2012. (final report)

Temporal Assessment Of Management Practices And Water Quality In The Duck Creek Watershed, Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Daniel A. Cibulka, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, 2009. (abstract; full document; presentation; June 2010 DRAFT report for Oneida Nation).

The Use of Biological Indicators for the Evaluation of Multiple Stressors and the Identification of Impairments in Streams. Watershed Symposium, UW-Milwaukee: Timothy Ehlinger, Richard Shaker, Angela Ortenblad, and Jennifer Grzesik. March 19, 2008.

Biological Monitoring of the Lower Fox River Watershed 2005 Update: Watershed Symposium, UW-Milwaukee: Dani Anholzer, Jennifer Grzesik, Brianna McDowell, Richard Shaker, and Timothy Ehlinger. March 15, 2006.

Fox Watershed Monitoring Program: 2004 Update - Biological Sampling, Watershed Symposium, Tim Ehlinger, March 9, 2005.

Poster: Biological Monitoring of the Lower Fox River Watershed - 2004 Update, Watershed Symposium, UWM, March 9, 2005.

Conferences and Workshops

Low-Cost Turbidity Sensors as a Method for Watershed Monitoring. Paul Baumgart, Andrew Schmitz, Kevin Fermanich,  and Michael Zorn University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Environmental Science and Policy.  American Water Resource Association - Wisconsin Section Annual Meeting, March 3-4 2021. (presentation)

Phosphorus and TSS Trends in Duck Creek, Northeastern Wisconsin. Paul Baumgart, Daniel Cibulka, Kevin Fermanich, Alexis Heim. Presented at the Wisconsin AWRA Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, March 13-14, 2014. (pdf document)

Plum Creek Watershed Phosphorus Loss. Marty Jacobson, Kevin Fermanich and Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resource Association. Wisconsin Dells, WI, March 1-2, 2012. (pdf presentation)

Phosphorus and Sediment Loss from Plum Creek Watershed. Presented at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Fall 2011 Research Symposium in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Marty Jacobson, Kevin Fermanich and Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, October 14, 2011. (pdf poster)

Tracing the Source of Suspended Sediment in L. Fox River Streams using Radionuclide Analysis. Presented at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Fall 2011 Research Symposium in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Paul Baumgart and Kevin Fermanich, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, and Val Klump UW-Milwaukee Great Lakes Water Institute, October 14, 2011. (poster)

Tracing the Source of Suspended Sediment in L. Fox River Streams using Radionuclide Analysis. Presented at the Wisconsin AWRA Meeting, in Appleton, March 3-4, 2011. Paul Baumgart and Kevin Fermanich, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, and Val Klump UW-Milwaukee Great Lakes Water Institute.

Lower Fox River Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Load Allocations and Reduction Strategies to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Presented at the 2008 4th International SWAT Conference in Beijing, China. October 15-19, 2008. Paul Baumgart and Kevin Fermanich, University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

Hydrology and Water Quality in Lower Fox River Tributaries, LFRWMP Update, Presented at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Research Symposium, Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin, November 8, 2007. Kevin Fermanich, Paul Baumgart and Nick Reckinger of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, Dave Graczyk of the USGS.

Lower Fox River Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Load Allocations and Reduction Strategies to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Presented at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Research Symposium, Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin, November 8, 2007. Paul Baumgart and Kevin Fermanich, University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

Phosphorus Forms at Different Spatial Scales in the Lower Fox River Basin. WI AWRA Meeting, Wisconsin Dellls, WI. Nick Reckinger, Kevin Fermanich, and Paul Baumgart, March 1-2, 2007. (abstract; presentation)

Simulating the Effects of Alternative Management Practices on Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Loads to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and SNAP-Plus, Presented at the Soil and Water Conservation Society Workshop on "Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality: Strengthening the Science Base", October 11-13, 2006, Kansas City, Missouri. Paul Baumgart, Kevin Fermanich, and Nick Reckingert (abstract; Presentation).

Phosphorus Forms and Fate in the Lower Fox River Watershed. WI AWRA Meeting, Elkhart Lake, WI. Paul Baumgart, Kevin Fermanich, and Nick Reckinger, March 2-3, 2006. (abstract; presentation)

Monitoring and Assessing Watershed Contributions of Sediment and Phosphorus to the Lower Fox River and Green Bay, Presented at Joint Conference: Lake Michigan, State of the Lake and Great Lakes Beach Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin, November 2-3, 2005 --- Kevin Fermanich et al.

Phosphorus and Suspended Solids TMDL For the Lower Fox River/Green Bay Area of Concern – Putting the Pieces Together, Presented at Joint Conference: Lake Michigan, State of the Lake and Great Lakes Beach Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin, November 2-3, 2005 --- Bud Harris et al.

Source Allocation of Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Loads to Green Bay from the Lower Fox River Sub-basin Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Presented at Joint Conference: Lake Michigan, State of the Lake and Great Lakes Beach Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin, November 2-3, 2005. Paul Baumgart

The Effects of Urbanization on Baird Creek, Green Bay, WI, WI AWRA Meeting, Delavan, WI, Jessie Fink, Kevin Fermanich, and Timothy Ehlinger, March 3-4, 2005.

Total Suspended Solids-Turbidity Correlation in Northeastern Wisconsin Streams, WI AWRA Meeting, Delavan, WI, Timothy Randerson, Jessie Fink, Kevin Fermanich, Paul Baumgart, and Timothy Ehlinger, March 3-4, 2005. (poster)

Monitoring Reports and Methods

Assessment of conservation management practices on water quality and observed trends in the Plum Creek Basin, 2010–20. Horwatich, J.A., Fermanich, K., Pronschinske, M.A., Robertson, D.M., Kussow, S., Loken, L.C., Reneau, P.C., Freund, J., and Komiskey, M.J, 2023. Prepared in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and Outagamie County, Wisconsin. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5043, 31 p. (download sir20235043 as PDF). U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey.

Silver Creek stream sample summary and statistical analysis: Water Year 2014 to 2021, Final Report. December 2021. Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Support from NEW Water Watershed Program.

Managed Grazing - Paired Field Monitoring: Evaluation of the Water Quality Impacts of Managed Grazing with a Paired Study Design in N.E. Wisconsin, Final Report. October 2021. Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Support from NEW Water Silver Creek watershed pilot project.

Evaluation of the impact of a vegetated strip on soil and phosphorus export from a concentrated flow area using a paired edge of field study design. Final Report. May 2021. Prepared for Wolf Watershed Alliance, Inc. by Paul Baumgart of the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay.

Mahon and Wequiock Creeks Watershed Management Plan. MS Thesis, Megan L. Hoff, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2020. (

Hydrology, phosphorus, and suspended solids in five agricultural streams in the Lower Fox River and Green Bay Watersheds, Wisconsin, Water Years 2004–06: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5111, 28 pages. Grayczyk, D.J., Robertson, D.M., Baumgart, P.D., and Fermanich, K.J., 2012.

Poster: Stream Sampling Methods Used for the Lower Fox River Watershed Monitoring Program, Watershed Symposium, UW-Green Bay/UW-Milwaukee/USGS, March 9, 2005.

Phosphorus Forms and Trends

Drinking Water Treatment Residuals for Removal of Phosphorus in Agricultural Runoff. MS Thesis, Beth I. Kondro, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2024. (

Assessment of conservation management practices on water quality and observed trends in the Plum Creek Basin, 2010–20. Horwatich, J.A., Fermanich, K., Pronschinske, M.A., Robertson, D.M., Kussow, S., Loken, L.C., Reneau, P.C., Freund, J., and Komiskey, M.J, 2023. Prepared in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and Outagamie County, Wisconsin. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5043, 31 p. (download sir20235043 as PDF). U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey.

Evaluation of the APEX model to simulate runoff, sediment, and phosphorus loss from agricultural fields in northeast Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Forrest Stephen Kalk, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2018. (

Phosphorus and TSS Trends in Duck Creek, Northeastern Wisconsin. Paul Baumgart, Daniel Cibulka, Kevin Fermanich, Alexis Heim. Presented at the Wisconsin AWRA Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, March 13-14, 2014. (pdf document)

Analysis of Phosphorus and TSS Temporal Changes and Trends in Duck Creek, Wisconsin (Final Report). P. Baumgart, D. Feldmann, M. Jacobson, Alexis Heim. A report to the: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources by the: University of Wisconsin Green Bay Department of Natural and Applied Science. EPA Grant Funding Source: WDNR Grant Sub-award Grant # 00E00712-10-2011. December 2013. (pdf)

Phosphorus and Sediment Runoff Loss: Management Challenges and Implications in a Northeast Wisconsin Agricultural Watershed. MS Thesis, Martin D. Jacobson, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2012. (pdf document)

Plum Creek Watershed Phosphorus Loss. Marty Jacobson, Kevin Fermanich and Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resource Association. Wisconsin Dells, WI, March 1-2, 2012. (pdf presentation)

Phosphorus and Sediment Loss from Plum Creek Watershed. Presented at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Fall 2011 Research Symposium in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Marty Jacobson, Kevin Fermanich and Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, October 14, 2011. (pdf poster)

Temporal Assessment Of Management Practices And Water Quality In The Duck Creek Watershed, Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Daniel A. Cibulka, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, 2009. (abstract; full document; presentation; June 2010 DRAFT report for Oneida Nation).

Comparison of Phosphorus Forms at Different Spatial Scales and Assessment of an Area-Weighted P-Index to Multi-Field Watersheds. MS Thesis, Nicholas A. Reckinger, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2007. (abstract; full document; presentation).

Phosphorus Forms at Different Spatial Scales in the Lower Fox River Sub-basin. Watershed Symposium, UW-Green Bay LFRWMP Nick Reckinger, Kevin Fermanich and Paul Baumgart, March 14, 2007.

Phosphorus Forms at Different Spatial Scales in the Lower Fox River Basin. WI AWRA Meeting, Wisconsin Dellls, WI. Nick Reckinger, Kevin Fermanich, and Paul Baumgart, March 1-2, 2007. (abstract; presentation)

Simulating the Effects of Alternative Management Practices on Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Loads to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and SNAP-Plus, Presented at the Soil and Water Conservation Society Workshop on "Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality: Strengthening the Science Base", October 11-13, 2006, Kansas City, Missouri. Paul Baumgart, Kevin Fermanich, and Nick Reckingert (abstract; Presentation).

Poster: Phosphorus Forms and Fate in the Lower Fox River Watershed. Watershed Symposium, UW-Green Bay/USGS: Paul Baumgart, Kevin Fermanich, Nick Reckinger and Dale Robertson, March 15, 2006.

Phosphorus Forms and Fate in the Lower Fox River Watershed. WI AWRA Meeting, Elkhart Lake, WI. Paul Baumgart, Kevin Fermanich, and Nick Reckinger, March 2-3, 2006. (abstract; presentation)

Phosphorus Forms Study - 2005 update (pdf). Paul Baumgart, April 2005.

Masters Theses

Low-Cost Turbidity Sensors as a Method for Watershed Monitoring. MS Thesis, Andrew R. Schmitz, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, June 2020. (

Mahon and Wequiock Creeks Watershed Management Plan. MS Thesis, Megan L. Hoff, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2020. (

Evaluation of the APEX model to simulate runoff, sediment, and phosphorus loss from agricultural fields in northeast Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Forrest Stephen Kalk, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2018. (

APEX model application to assess the impact of best management practices on runoff, erosion, and phosphorus export in NE Wisconsin, USA. MS Thesis. Garek Holley. University of Wisconsin Green Bay, December 2016. (

Water quality analysis, model development, and assessment of alternative management strategies in a dairy-dominated agricultural watershed vulnerable to high sediment and phosphorus runoff. MS Thesis. Alexis K. Heim. University of Wisconsin Green Bay, November 2015.  (

Economic Feasibility of Agricultural Land Conversion to Switchgrass in the Lower Fox River Watershed, Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Anthony M. Rieth, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, January 2014. (UWGB libraryUW Minds edu Link)

Phosphorus and Sediment Runoff Loss: Management Challenges and Implications in a Northeast Wisconsin Agricultural Watershed. MS Thesis, Martin D. Jacobson, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2012. (pdf document)

Interactive Effects of Soil Moisture, Temperature and Depth on Fine Root Dynamics in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie in Northeast Wisconsin: Implications for Carbon Sequestration. MS Thesis, Adam C. von Haden. University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2012. ( (related final report)

Temporal Assessment Of Management Practices And Water Quality In The Duck Creek Watershed, Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Daniel A. Cibulka, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, 2009. (abstract; full document; presentation; June 2010 DRAFT report for Oneida Nation).

Comparison of Phosphorus Forms at Different Spatial Scales and Assessment of an Area-Weighted P-Index to Multi-Field Watersheds. MS Thesis, Nicholas A. Reckinger, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2007. (abstract; full document; presentation)

The Effects of Urbanization on Baird Creek, Green Bay, WI, MS Thesis, Jessie C. Fink, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2005. (defense presentation; Chapter 3; App. B)


Low-Cost Turbidity Sensors as a Method for Watershed Monitoring. Paul Baumgart, Andrew Schmitz, Kevin Fermanich,  and Michael Zorn University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Environmental Science and Policy.  American Water Resource Association - Wisconsin Section Annual Meeting, March 3-4 2021. (presentation)

Low-Cost Turbidity Sensors as a Method for Watershed Monitoring. MS Thesis, Andrew R. Schmitz, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, June 2020. (

Total Suspended Solids-Turbidity Correlation in Northeastern Wisconsin Streams, WI AWRA Meeting, Delavan, WI, Timothy Randerson, Jessie Fink, Kevin Fermanich, Paul Baumgart, and Timothy Ehlinger, March 3-4, 2005. (poster)

Water Quality Modeling

Mahon and Wequiock Creeks Watershed Management Plan. MS Thesis, Megan L. Hoff, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, May 2020. (

Evaluation of the APEX model to simulate runoff, sediment, and phosphorus loss from agricultural fields in northeast Wisconsin. MS Thesis, Forrest Stephen Kalk, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2018. (

APEX model application to assess the impact of best management practices on runoff, erosion, and phosphorus export in NE Wisconsin, USA. MS Thesis. Garek Holley. University of Wisconsin Green Bay, December 2016. (

Water quality analysis, model development, and assessment of alternative management strategies in a dairy-dominated agricultural watershed vulnerable to high sediment and phosphorus runoff. MS Thesis. Alexis K. Heim. University of Wisconsin Green Bay, November 2015.  (

SWAT Watershed Modeling Analysis, in Appendix B of: Total Maximum Daily Load and Watershed Management Plan for Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids in the Lower Fox River Basin and Lower Green Bay, Brown, Calumet, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties, Wisconsin. August 2011 (approved July 2012). Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Report prepared by The Cadmus Group, Inc. ( Report, WDNR web page)

Phosphorus and Sediment Runoff Loss: Management Challenges and Implications in a Northeast Wisconsin Agricultural Watershed. MS Thesis, Martin D. Jacobson, University of Wisconsin Green Bay, August 2012. (pdf document)

Plum Creek Watershed Phosphorus Loss. Marty Jacobson, Kevin Fermanich and Paul Baumgart, University of Wisconsin Green Bay. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resource Association. Wisconsin Dells, WI, March 1-2, 2012. (pdf presentation)

Maximizing Ecological Services and Economic Returns by Targeted Establishment of Biomass Grasslands for Electricity and Heat Generation in Wisconsin. M.E. Dornbush, P.D. Baumgart, K.J. Fermanich, A.M. Rieth, J.R. Stoll, A.C Von Haden, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. April 2012. (final report)

Lower Fox River Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Load Allocations and Reduction Strategies to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Presented at the 2008 4th International SWAT Conference in Beijing, China. October 15-19, 2008. Paul Baumgart and Kevin Fermanich, University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

Lower Fox River Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Load Allocations and Reduction Strategies to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Presented at the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance Research Symposium, Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin, November 8, 2007. Paul Baumgart and Kevin Fermanich, University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

Integrated Watershed Approach Demonstration Project: A Pollutant Reduction Optimization Analysis for the Lower Fox River Basin and the Green Bay Area of Concern (Report; Appendix). August 2007. Report prepared by The Cadmus Group, Inc. for the U.S. EPA under contract # 68-C-02-109 for the project entitled Integrated Watershed Approach Demonstration Project (Phase 1) - Green Bay AOC/Lower Fox River Watershed. Report prepared by Laura Blake of The Cadmus Group, Inc., including major contributions by Paul Baumgart of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and Dr. Samuel Ratick of The Cadmus Group, Inc.

Simulating the Effects of Alternative Management Practices on Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Loads to Green Bay using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and SNAP-Plus, Presented at the Soil and Water Conservation Society Workshop on "Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality: Strengthening the Science Base", October 11-13, 2006, Kansas City, Missouri. Paul Baumgart, Kevin Fermanich, and Nick Reckingert (abstract; Presentation).

Parson’s Creek Watershed Modeling Report, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. In support of Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment and Phosphorus in the Parson’s Creek Watershed. June 2007. Prepared for: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Paul Baumgart, UW-Green Bay.

Source Allocation of Suspended Sediment and Phosphorus Loads to Green Bay from the Lower Fox River Sub-basin using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Presented at Joint Conference: Lake Michigan, State of the Lake and Great Lakes Beach Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin, November 2-3, 2005. 

Simulated TSS and Phosphorus Export to Lake Winnebago and Green Bay from the Fox-Wolf River Basin. Paul Baumgart for Fox-Wolf Basin 2000. January 2002.

Baumgart P. 2000. Simulated TSS and Phosphorus Loads to Green Bay, Wisconsin. Appendix G, In: Restoration and Compensation Determination Plan for the Lower Fox River/Green Bay Natural Resource Damage Assessment Prepared for Stratus Consulting, Inc., Boulder, Colorado. (pdf document)

Baumgart P. 1998. Simulation of historical and projected total suspended solids loads and flows to the Lower Fox River, N.E. Wisconsin, with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Technical Memorandum 2a, Fox River and Green Bay PCB Fate and Transport Model Evaluation. Fox-Wolf Basin 2000. Prepared for the Model Evaluation Workgroup formed under the 1997 Fox River Group (FRG) Agreement with the State of Wisconsin.

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