Resources & Support
Welcome to the Certified Direct Care Professional (CDCP) Employee Support and Resources page! Here, you’ll find information and resources to support you personally and professionally. Topics include housing, food, clothing, health care, language assistance, resume writing and more.
CDCP Registry
The registry offers well-deserved recognition to caregivers who have earned their certification. Employers can validate that their employees or applicants are certified by checking the registry. All CDCPs, once certified, will automatically be added to the registry. Being on this exclusive list signals that you have mastered the core competencies for caregiving, making you a desirable job candidate. Employers can search the registry.
CDCP Digital Badge
UW-Green Bay’s Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training offers this badge for completing the direct care professional curriculum. CDCPs can proudly attach this badge to their email signature line, use it on social media, and add it to their resume. Learn how using the Digital Badge How To Guide (pdf).

Continue Learning & Earning
Once you become a CDCP, you can continue to advance your career by earning microcredentials. These are courses in various specialties such as family and community health, dementia and memory loss and more. Earning microcredentials increases your value in the job market. Employers look for workers who want to continue to learn and grow. You’ll be awarded an additional badge for each microcredential you earn. Learn more about microcredentials.
Exemption from Training
As a CDCP, you may not have to have additional training in certain care settings. To see what training requirements are fulfilled by being a CDCP, review our crosswalks (pdf).
Find Work or Research an Employer
WisCaregiver Connections features information on employment options across Wisconsin. This one-stop portal features job postings, candidate profiles, and your credentialing details, which are critical to your success. Find a job.
Tools to Succeed in Life
More resources that can help support you personally and professionally are below. Check out what is available.
- Wisconsin Child Support Program – apply for assistance, get forms, and learn about your rights and responsibilities concerning child support
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF)
- ACCESS – apply for assistance with childcare
- Childcare providers – view a list of childcare providers statewide
- UMOS Migrant Child Care Program – find a Head Start programs for migrant children
- ParentPowered – sign up to receive send text messages regarding child development opportunities
- Thrift Stores in Wisconsin – find thrift stores across the state. The most common are:
- Create a Resume – get free help. Note: you must create a Job Center of Wisconsin account if you don’t already have one.
- Wisconsin Works (W-2) – get benefits such as employment preparation services, case management, and cash assistance if your family is eligible
- Wisconsin Senior Employment Program (WISE) – access employment training for low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 years and older
- Search for a job (Job Center of WI)
- Department of Workforce Development: serving job seekers and employees
- Job Center of Wisconsin – find job opportunities
- Wisconsin Area Health Education Centers - high school and college students can find opportunities to build a career in health care
- Food Support Resources – explore options to get the food you need
- Free and Reduced Meals at Schools – apply for free and reduced price meals for your kids
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) – apply for supplemental nutrition if you are pregnant or have young children
- Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) – get food help from this federal program for low income individuals, including children.
- Medicaid in Wisconsin – see if you qualify for health care benefits
- ACCESS – create an account and sign in to apply for BadgerCare Plus or other Wisconsin Medicaid programs
- – get personal for health insurance if you don’t qualify for state benefits
- Wiscovered – connect with a health navigator for free guidance with health insurance options
- State Life Insurance Fund – apply for affordable life insurance
- Rental Assistance – explore a list of rental housing resources compiled by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Homeownership assistance – explore a list of homeownership resources compiled by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources - find information and application materials for renters and home buyers for veterans and nonveterans
- Wisconsin Home Energy Plus – apply for energy assistance to pay for heating and electric bills
- Section 8 voucher program – get help with rent from the WHEDA program
- Housing assistance – call 211 anytime to be referred to resources that include housing
- DHS Limited English Proficiency Resources - find information and resources about interpreters and limited English proficiency.
- I Speak Statement Cards - The "I Speak" resource document is available to help identify the primary language of non-English speakers. It uses a short phrase in each of the 49 languages that a person can check to indicate the language they speak.
- Personal Finance Management – improve your financial situation with resources for managing personal finances, credit counseling, and tips on avoiding consumer scams
- Tax Credits – see if you can ease your tax burden with by the earned income tax credit, Child Tax credit, Homestead Credit, and more
- Public Service Commission of Wisconsin – take advantage of discounts on phone costs, internet, and phone plans
- Wirefly – search for a phone plan that’s right for you
- Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance (WETAP) – get help getting to work or to post-high school job training or educational opportunities
- 2023 WETAP Contacts – get contact details for participating WETAP organizations and websites
- 2023 Wisconsin Transit Guide (PDF) – find out how to move from city to city throughout the state
- Intercity Bus Routes – get routes and tickets to travel by bus
Fast-Track Your Health Care Career
Become a CDCP.
This certification is free and can be completed online within 30-hours. Start your health care career journey today. It's easy.