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Budget Development Resources

Budget Development

For help developing your budget, please contact Roger Wareham at, Laina Stuebner at or Trisha Linssen at in the Grants and Research office. 

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are actual costs incurred by UWGB in support of extramurally funded activities but cannot be charged to a specific grant or contract. Examples include pre-and post-award services, and utilities. Fact Sheet

Current Rates

Fringe Costs

These rates include the cost of items such as the employer's contribution to health insurance, Medicare, unemployment and life insurance. The cost of fringe benefits must be included in your budget. Fact Sheet

2025-2026 Fringe Rates

Travel Cost Estimates

FYI: the IRS has updated the federal mileage reimbursement rate to .67/mile, effective January 1, 2024. Travel costs included in a project budget must be estimated using current Universities of Wisconsin travel policies and procedures. Visit the Controller’s website for UW-Green Bay Travel information.

Current Rates

IT Purchasing Costs

Computer hardware, software and other IT-related costs included in project budgets must be estimated using current UW- Green Bay IT Purchasing prices.

Current Costs

Course Release

Course release included in a project budget must be approved by your department chair. Course releases are calculated on an individual basis, per the guidelines included in the effort calculation link.

Course Release

Effort Calculation

When including a salary request or in-kind effort contributions in your project budget, effort must be calculated using your base salary, and your specified effort per the effort calc. guidelines.


New Researcher Salary

If your project budget includes the hire of a new researcher or scientist, you can use the linked guide to determine the UW-Green Bay Human Resources-specified titling and associated salary.

Salary Guide

Graduate Asst. Salary

If your project budget includes graduate student assistant salary, you can use the linked guide to determine the UW-Green Bay-Human Resources-specified salary calculation.

Salary Guide

Subaward Guidance

A subaward is a contractual agreement between the primary award recipient (lead) and a secondary institution. If your project budget includes a subaward, that budget must be included in your transmittal form packet of documents to be approved by the Office of Grants and Research. Click on the fact sheet and button below for more information. Fact Sheet


Subrecipient Guidance

If you are going to be listed as a recipient of a subaward (subrecipient or subawardee) in a lead institution’s project budget, the linked documents provide information as to what the UWGB Office of Grants and Research and/or the lead institution will require of you prior to submission of the proposal. Fact Sheet

Sub Guidance

Indirect Costs Waiver

In some instances, an agency may not allow for the inclusion of indirect costs or the full UWGB indirect cost rate in a project budget.
For more information, please contact the Office of Grants and Research.


2023-2024 Fringe Rates