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Develop a Train-the-Trainer Program

Creating a
New Way

Offering an alternative way with a tailored program.

The Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Wisconsin Training Registries offer entities interested in training instructors in a Train-the-Trainer Program the opportunity do this by writing and submitting curriculum that meets program requirements. 

group of people listening during training session

Train-the-Trainer Program Requirements

General Requirements

Curriculum must be written in a professional manner with appropriate content, formatting and spelling.

  • The provider's primary contact must submit all program and instructor information, including payment on the payment link.
  • Providers have six months to complete the application process, complete with any revisions.
  • After approval of your program, one online application must be submitted for each approved instructor.
  • If you would like to add a new instructor to your program, please email to request to

Detailed Requirements

Review the detailed curriculum and instructor requirements listed below prior to submitting an application.

For more information about program and instructor fees, please contact us at


To apply or renew a train-the-trainer program and/or get instructor approval or renewal for course areas, please log into the Instructor Dashboard.

Log into the Dashboard

Contact the Registry

If you have any inquiries or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the Registry. Our staff members are available to provide guidance and support.


Call the Registry at (920) 465-2315.

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