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Distance Learning

We Work
With You

Providing an alternative way to teach students statewide.

With prior authorization, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Wisconsin Training Registries are now offering distance learning for approved instructors as a way to teach students in a virtual setting. Request through the Instructor Dashboard. Once authorized, you will receive a confirmation email.

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woman sitting on floor looking at laptop screen

Distance Learning Policy

Key policy points are detailed below. 

Classroom Requirements

Classes must be completed via a live web-based tool where an instructor can see the participants to ensure engagement and participation in the learning activities. All videos must be shown and all activities completed. This may require some creative use of supplies to ensure that the participants have the opportunity to practice the skills as outlined in the course area.

If two-way video is not available, a proctor must be used. The proctor must be present during the entire class. The proctor must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Licensed or credentialed in the state of Wisconsin; or
  • A management-level person of the facility and on the Registry for the course area; or
  • An approved instructor for one of the Registry classes.

Testing for Standard Precautions, First Aid & Choking & Fire Safety

Instructors may give the test via a two-way live web-based tool as used in the training. To administer the test, an instructor must provide each student with a copy of the testing materials, which can be found on the instructor dashboard. Instructors are not able to use ANY self-created testing materials. They must only use the testing materials available on the instructor dashboard. Students must return the completed exam to the instructor within ten days.

Medication Administration

Accurate medication administration is critical to the safe care of residents. Instructors in this course area need to be aware of specific procedures for ensuring trainees understand and retain the curriculum.


Written and skills testing must be completed in-person. A proctor must hand out the tests to the trainees and collect the tests upon completion. In the event a proctor is not available to hand out and supervise the testing, an instructor may use a one-on-one video call to orally administer the test to each participant individually. The instructor must be able to watch the participant complete each of the tasks on the test on live video.

If an instructor is not able to watch the skills test, they may use a proctor as long as the proctor meets one of the following criteria:

  • Licensed to administer medication in the state of Wisconsin and a management-level person; or
  • Licensed to administer medication in the state of Wisconsin and a Registry-approved medication administration Instructor; or
  • A management-level person on the Registry for medication administration.


If an instructor uses distance learning, they are required to schedule an in-person follow-up time with each trainee within thirty days of completing the class to ensure compliance and understanding of the medication administration procedures. Failure for the employee to schedule the in-person follow-up with the instructor will result in removal from the Registry until the follow-up is completed. An instructor may choose one of two ways to ensure compliance and understanding:

  • An instructor may ask about 2-3 procedures from the skills test; or
  • An instructor may audit a medication administration pass.

An instructor will need to document the response or result. This documentation should be kept for at least two years. Instructors are not required to submit this follow-up documentation, but the Registry reserves the right to ask for the documentation at any time to ensure compliance with policy and procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

If an instructor no longer works for our facility, how do we do follow-up?

Another Registry-approved medication administration instructor or a licensed physician, registered pharmacist, registered nurse, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner may complete the follow-up. The alternate person completing the review must complete documentation required and the affidavit. Documentation should be maintained for two years by the person completing the follow-up.

If an employee no longer works for our facility, do we have to follow-up?

If an employee has left your employ, the instructor should make an attempt to contact them to complete the follow-up. If attempts have been made and the employee still cannot be reached, the instructor should document they made the attempt to complete the follow-up. This documentation should be maintained by the instructor for two years.

Do I have to complete the follow-up in person?

Yes. You must complete the follow-up in person.

Contact the Registry

If you have any inquiries or require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the Registry. Our staff members are available to provide guidance and support.


Call the Registry at (920) 465-2315.

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