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Cellphones & Accessories

The Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) issued Enterprise Policy: Cellular Telephone Services & Equipment effective January 18, 2005. This policy applies to all State employees and State-owned cellular telephones. The UW-Green Bay Cellular Telephone Instructions & Justification of Need Form identifies and establishes the local procedures we will utilize to comply with the DOA policy.

Acquisition of a cell phone paid from University funds requires the user to agree to comply with State policy regarding appropriate usage. The user's supervisor and department head also assume responsibility when they approve staff members to establish a University-paid cell phone account.

Contract Details:

Contract #505ENT-M22-WIRELESSPH-0X
Primary Contact:

Contract Term: 6/22/2022 through 6/30/2025

Vendor: US Cellular Inc.

These phones remain the property of US Cellular; they are responsible for maintenance. You must obtain prior written approval from your supervisor if you wish to upgrade from the basic equipment package. There will be an additional fee to purchase the phone. Upgraded phones remain the property of the University; the ordering department will be responsible for maintenance.

US Cellular Rates and Fees

US Cellular Coverage Map

US Cellular Equipment Pricing
Apple Phones
Flip Phones

Vendor: Verizon Wireless

Verizon Equipment Pricing
Flip Phones
Apple iPhones
Hotspot & Broadband Devices

Discounted Accessories

Discounts on M2M Routers, Tablet and Cell Phone Accessories

Monthly Costs State Rate Plan 1 - Local Plan:

FeatureAirtime Rate
Monthly Access$0.00
Per Minute Rate (Incoming & Outgoing)$0.04
Long Distance MinuteNo Charge
Toll-Free Minute$0.04
Per Directory Assistance Call$1.99
Directory Assistance Minute$0.04
Mobile-To-Mobile Minute$0.04
Intrastate Roaming MinuteNo Charge
Interstate Roaming MinuteNo Charge
Monthly Fee (USF)$0.50
Monthly Fee (WI Fire & Police)$0.75
Call ForwardingVoice Mail
Detailed BillingCaller ID & Blocking

Other plans available include Mobile-To-Mobile, Unlimited Incoming and various Data Plans. Contact the sales representative for more information.

UW-Green Bay Cellular Telephone Instructions & Justification of Need Form
Reimbursement Form for Personal Use of State-Owned Cellular Phone
Cell Phone Order Request Form

Acknowledgement of Receipt Policy 

Quick Links 
Cell Phone Contract
Cell Phone FAQ (under Quick Links click on FAQ and Login)
Wireless User Guide
Data CoverageFlip PhonesFlip PhonesFlip PhonesFlip PhonesFlip PhonesFlip PhonesApple iPhoneFlip Phones