Was your vehicle towed? UW-Green Bay police officers are authorized to have a vehicle towed from UW-Green Bay campus lands and may do so under the following conditions:
- Parked in an area that would obstruct access to university buildings or grounds.
- Parked in an area (drive lane, curb, crosswalk, curb cut, etc) where the vehicle’s present a potential hazard to pedestrians and/or motorists.
- Long-term, continuous parking for storage or for known disabled vehicles.
- Parked in an area that hinders/obstructs service vehicles (loading docks, trash pick-up area).
- Parking that impedes progress of maintenance projects (snow removal, paving, etc.).
- Illegally parked vehicle which prevents a legally parked vehicle from exiting.
- A vehicle that to the best of the department’s knowledge and belief has been abandoned.
- Unauthorized vehicles in a permit area, reserved stall or disabled stall/access aisle.
- After the accumulation of $100 or more of parking fines that have gone unpaid for a period of at least 28 days or the vehicle registration has been suspended due to a UW-Green Bay action.
- Out of state vehicles with UW-Green Bay fines that have gone unpaid for a period of at least 28 days.
- Vehicle is an environmental hazard, such as leaking gas, oil, antifreeze, etc.
- A condition that the officer determines is a hazard or obstructs the UW campus community.
Tow Fee
Any vehicle that is towed will be issued a tow fee by the company performing the tow. The tow company may also set a reasonable storage fee. The tow and storage fees, unpaid parking fees and any current parking violation are the responsibility of the operator of the vehicle.
Show-up Fee
If the operator of the vehicle shows up after the tow truck has begun efforts to remove the vehicle, but before the tow is complete, the operator is responsible for any applicable tow fees which must be paid to the towing company.
Reclaiming Your Vehicle
The University uses Crosby's Heavy Duty Wrecker Service for towing . They can be contacted directly at 920-435-6666.
You can also contact University Police located in Instructional Services 1024 or by telephone at 920-465-2300 ext. #2. The University is not responsible for any damage incurred due to towing nor the policy and procedures in which the towing company will release the vehicle. The towing company may choose to release the vehicle only to a Registered Owner, and not the person who is the primary driver of the vehicle such as the owner's child, girl/boyfriend, etc. University Police Will Not vouch for, or in any other way endorse, a person who is not a registered owner as being authorized to claim the vehicle.
Towed vehicles will be released when all outstanding citations, towing charges and storage fees have been paid.

Have Questions?
Getting your car towed is a stressful situation. If you have immediate concerns about towing, contact University Police at 920-465-2300 ext. #2. With any general questions, email