Nutrition & Dietetics Courses
This is an example course plan for the emphasis in Nutrition & Dietetics requires at least 120 credits to graduate. As courses aren't offered every semester, this is a suggested course path. Please work with your advisor on your individual course plan.
Year 1
Fall 1 (12 credits)
Course Title | Credits |
NUT SCI 201 Survey of Nutrition-Related Professions | 1 |
BIOLOGY 201/202 Principles of Biology: Cell and Molecular with lab | 4 |
CHEM 207 Lab Safety | 1 |
MATH 101 Advanced Algebra (if needed) | 2 |
WF 100 First Year Writing (if needed) | 3 |
First Year Seminar | 3 |
Spring 1 (15 credits)
Course Title | Credits |
WF 105 Research and Rhetoric | 3 |
PSYCH 102 Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
MATH 104 Precalculus (if needed) | 4 |
General Ed | 3 |
General Ed | 3 |
Year 2
Fall 2 (15 credits)
Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 211 Principles of Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 213 Principles of Chemistry I Lab | 1 |
MATH 260 Introductory Statistics | 4 |
COMM 133 Fundamentals of Public Address | 3 |
General Ed | 3 |
Spring 2 (16 credits)
Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 212 Principles of Chemistry II | 4 |
CHEM 214 Principles of Chemistry II Lab | 1 |
HUM BIOL 240 Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
HUM BIOL 241 Anatomy and Physiology Lab | 1 |
General Ed | 3 |
Year 3
Course Title | Credits |
NUT SCI 212 Science of Food Preparation | 4 |
NUT SCI 300 Human Nutrition | 3 |
BIOLOGY 323 Principles of Microbiology | 3 |
BIOLOGY 324 Principles of Microbiology Lab | 1 |
General Ed | 3 |
Spring 3 (13 credits)
Course Title | Credits |
CHEM 300 Bioorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 301 Bioorganic Chemistry Lab | 1 |
NUT SCI 350 Life Cycle Nutrition | 3 |
BIOLOGY 303 Genetics or HUM BIOL 310 Human Genetics | 3 |
General Ed | 3 |
Year 4
Course Title | Credits |
NUT SCI 327 Nutritional Biochemistry | 4 |
NUT SCI 485/685 Medical Nutrition Therapy I | 3 |
NUT SCI 487 Nutritional Science Seminar | 3 |
NUT SCI 421/621 Community Nutrition | 4 |
General Ed | 3 |
Spring 4 (17-18 credits)
Course Title | Credits |
NUT SCI 312 Quantity Food Service | 4 |
NUT SCI 427/627 Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism | 3 |
NUT SCI 486/686 Medical Nutrition Therapy II | 4 |
HUM BIOL 402 Human Physiology | 3 |
General Ed or Elective | 3 |

Ask an Expert
Meet Professor Sara Wagner, director for the human biology nutrition and dietetics emphasis. She values experiential learning, making extensive use of live patient case studies and simulations in her courses. If you have question, get in touch with her!