Lisa Lamson
Lisa Rose Lamson recently received her Ph.D from Marquette University (2021) and is currently a lecturer in History and Humanities at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay where she teaches a variety of African American history and historic methodology courses.
She researches the intersection of education, gendered citizenship, and childhood history in 19th century urban spaces. Ultimately her research asks how children learned how to belong and how adults shaped the children’s understanding. She is currently working on a monograph based on her dissertation, “’Our Duty is to Furnish Such Education:’ Black Childhood and Schooling in Baltimore City, 1828 – 1900” that explores black parental advocacy, the intersection of citizenship and schooling, curricular policy, and childhood.
Her teaching interests include: U.S. African American History, the history of childhood, gender history, education history, the history of segregation and Civil Rights, textile and fashion history, and popular culture. She is an avid knitter, comic book and science fiction fan, and romance reader.