Heirloom Plant Sale
Buy Plants,
Fund Research
Preserve historical plants while improving the future of UW-Green Bay.
The annual heirloom plant sale is a UW-Green Bay tradition entering its 27th year. Supporters of the sale help contribute to the long-term preservation of heirloom plants, while also funding educational opportunities for UW-Green Bay students.
We will be opening our online shop for pre-orders soon! In the meantime, take a look at our variety lists and descriptions and start planning your garden. This year we are starting more than 275 different heirloom and open-pollinated varieties and cultivars.

Sale Dates: May 16-17, 2025
You can browse our greenhouse and buy plants without placing any orders in advance. These will also be the dates for picking up online pre-orders.
Check out the list of the more than 275 varieties and cultivars we are growing and their descriptions.
The Laboratory Sciences Greenhouse, next to the parking lot of the UW-Green Bay Laboratory Sciences building.

Help Preserve
One generation to another.
As vegetables have been cultivated for thousands of years, heirloom plants have become increasingly rare. Fortunately, a growing interest in personal history and gardening has led to the preservation of many of our heirloom treasures.