Heirloom Plant Sale
Buy Plants,
Fund Research
Preserve historical plants while improving the future of UW-Green Bay.
The annual heirloom plant sale is a UW-Green Bay tradition entering its 27th year. Supporters of the sale help contribute to the long-term preservation of heirloom plants, while also funding educational opportunities for UW-Green Bay students.
Our pre-orders are closed for 2024, but we have abundant plants of almost all the varieties remaining for our sale days on May 10th and 11th. On Friday the sale will be open from 9:00a - 12:00p and from 2:00 - 5:00p. Saturday we open at 9am and will be finished by 2p.
Hope to see you there!

Sale Dates: May 10-11, 2024
You can browse our greenhouse and buy plants without placing any orders. These will also be the dates for picking up online pre-orders.
Check out the list of approximately 230 varieties and cultivars we are growing and their descriptions.
The Laboratory Sciences Greenhouse, next to the parking lot of the UW-Green Bay Laboratory Sciences building.

Help Preserve
One generation to another.
As vegetables have been cultivated for thousands of years, heirloom plants have become increasingly rare. Fortunately, a growing interest in personal history and gardening has led to the preservation of many of our heirloom treasures.