You're a
GPS Student!
What does that mean?
We know students are more than just test scores or transcripts. Gateway to Phoenix Success (GPS) is a student support and skill-building program designed for students who may have faced academic challenges in the past. The program gives you support to reach your college goals at UW-Green Bay. Your admission to GPS is a testament to your potential, and we are confident that you have what it takes to thrive in our vibrant community.

Support That Fits
Let GPS guide your path to achievement.
Consider your involvement in the Gateway to Phoenix Success as an invitation to unlock your full potential, and we know support for student success isn’t one-size-fits-all. The GPS staff holistically assesses application materials, past academic records, and other success markers to set you up with the level of support that is just right for you. We believe in your ability to overcome challenges, adapt to new environments, and excel academically. You are not alone on this journey, the faculty and staff at UW-Green Bay are here for you every step of the way.

Meet a Phoenix
“The best part about GPS is the organization and time management planning skills learned. Throughout my GPS Tools for Success course, I learned how to create a weekly schedule, organize school supplies, and balance school with work. GPS sets new college students up for future academic success."
Alex Lindbom '27
Human Biology Major, Nutritional Science Emphasis

Have Questions?
Just ask Jackie Connell, First Year Experience Manager. We’re excited to have you at UW-Green Bay and so glad you’re in the GPS Program!