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Planned Gifts

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Empower the next generation with your generosity.

Legacy giving ensures your future gift to UW-Green Bay supports causes that matter to you. By including UW-Green Bay in your will or estate plans, you can provide meaningful support for students and programs while potentially reducing federal estate and inheritance taxes.

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UWGB sign ca. 1978

What is Planned Giving?

Planned giving is a way to arrange future gifts to charities through your financial and estate plans. A charitable gift through your will or trust can not only support students and programs but also potentially reduce federal estate and inheritance taxes. The Foundation welcomes gifts made through various planned giving arrangements, which can:

  • Provide for you or your loved ones
  • Entitle you to charitable income
  • Reduce federal estate and gift taxes
  • Leave a legacy for future generations of UW-Green Bay students

Designate UW-Green Bay in Your Estate Plan

Use the information below to designate the UW-Green Bay Foundation in your estate plan.

  • Name: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, Inc.
  • Address: 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
  • Phone: 920-465-2074
  • Tax ID: 45-1600858

Let Us Know Your Intentions

If you have included UW-Green Bay in your estate plan, please let us know so we can ensure your gift aligns with your wishes. If you prefer to keep your gift anonymous, we will respect your request for confidentiality. Complete the estate gift declaration form and send it to us.

Estate Gift Declaration Form (PDF)Estate Gift Declaration Form (PDF)

The Niagara Society

The UW-Green Bay Foundation’s Niagara Society honors individuals who have included the University in their estate plans. Members receive special invitations to events and University updates. Welcoming you to the Niagara Society are chairs, Scott and Cindy Wochos, who plan to leave a legacy gift to benefit students.

Cindy and Scott Wochos

Inspired by Legacy

“We’ve met many alumni of the school and always admired the quality of its graduates and how well prepared they are for their chosen occupations. 

We are proud to be associated with UWGB and want its success to continue. We have established scholarship funds, and our estate planning will allow our support to continue for many years into the future.”

Scott & Cindy Wochos
Niagara Society Inaugural Chairs

Common Types of Planned Gifts

Your gift to UW-Green Bay can make a significant impact on the lives of our students, faculty and the community. Here are some common types of planned gifts:

Charitable Remainder Trusts

With a charitable remainder assets, are transferred into a trust for a specified number of years or for your lifetime. You or another beneficiary receives regular payments during this time, and the remaining assets are given to the UW-Green Bay Foundation to create a permanent charitable fund.

Charitable Lead Trusts

A charitable lead trust is a flexible plan in which assets are transferred to a trust that pays income to one or more charitable recipients. At a fixed date or upon death, the assets are transferred to other beneficiaries named by you.

Life Insurance, 401K, IRA

If you have a life insurance policy, 401K, IRA or other retirement plan that is no longer needed, you can designate the UW-Green Bay Foundation as the owner or beneficiary. This investment supports student success and programs and counts as a charitable contribution. You may name the Foundation as a primary or secondary beneficiary to ensure your wishes are met.

Bequests & Living Trust

You can include a provision in your will directing a gift to the UW-Green Bay Foundation after your death or the death of a survivor. Gifts can be a specific amount, property or a percentage of the remaining estate after taxes, expenses and specific bequests. Below is sample language you can use to include UW-Green Bay in your will. You should always consult with your own attorney, accountant or advisors for the legal and tax implications before making a major charitable contribution.

Unrestricted Purpose

I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, for the benefit of UW-Green Bay, [insert amount or percent of your estate] as an unrestricted gift to be used in the area of greatest need at the time the gift is received.

Specific Purpose

I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, for the benefit of UW- Green Bay, [insert amount or percent of your estate] to be used for [insert purpose or name of fund].

Named, Endowed Fund

I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Foundation, for the benefit of UW- Green Bay, [insert amount or percent of your estate] to form an endowment fund for (insert purpose). This fund will be a permanent fund and shall be known as the [insert name of fund].

Dawn Crim

Leave a Legacy Gift?

The team has many years of experience in helping alumni and friends consider their legacy giving options. We are happy to help you explore how a legacy gift fits in your plans.

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