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Community Health Education Example Plan

Below is an example of what your course plan may look like to earn 120 credits and complete the requirements of the Community Health Education major. You will work with your Academic Advisor to create your own unique plan. Also, refer to the academic catalog for the Community Health Education Curriculum Guide.

Year 1 - Pre-Major

Fall CoursesFall CreditsSpring CoursesSpring Credits
First Year Seminar [FYS] [WE1]3HUM BIOL 240 (pre-req BIO 201/202)4
BIOL 201/202 [BS]4WF 105 Research and Rhetoric [WE2]3
CHEM 207 Lab Safety1GEN EDUC - Fine Arts [FA]3
PSYCH 102 Intro to Psychology [SS1]3GEN EDUC – Natural Science3
GEN EDUC – Humanities [H1]3Elective3
Total Credits14Total Credits16

Year 2 - Community Health Education Major

Fall CoursesFall CreditsSpring CoursesSpring Credits
PSYCH 205 Statistics [QL]4HUM BIOL 215 Personal Health and Wellness [S]4
COMM 133 or COMM 1663HUM BIOL 322 Epidemiology [GC]3
PSYCH 203 Lifespan Development3NUT SCI 202 Ethnic Influences on Nutrition [ES]3
NURSING 200 Fundamentals of Healthcare Terminology 3Elective6
Total Credits16Total Credits15

Year 3 - Community Health Education Major

Fall CoursesFall CreditsSpring CoursesSpring Credits
CHE 310 Foundations of CHE 3CHE 330 Program Planning and Evaluation in CHE3
NURSING 340 Quality Improvement 2HLTH MGT 401 Healthcare Economics & Policy (7W1)3
HLTH MGT 301 Healthcare Systems (7W1)3HLTH MGT 402 Population Healthcare Management (7W2)3
HLTH MGT 302 Healthcare Management (7W2)3PSYCH 310 Drugs and Behavior3
Elective4SOC WORK 344 Grant Writing for Success2
Total Credits15Total Credits14

Year 4 - Community Health Education Major

Fall CoursesFall CreditsSpring CoursesSpring Credits
CHE 320 Methods and Strategies for CHE3CHE 440 Capstone Seminar 3
CHE Elective course3CHE 450 Field Practicum9
GEN EDUC – Humanities [H2]3  
GEN EDUC – Social Sciences [SS2]3  
Electives 6  
Total Credits18Total Credits12
Krista Shaw

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