Survey Areas

Each 7.5 minute USGS topographic quadrangle in Wisconsin was divided into six blocks - NW, NE, CW, CE, SW, SE - each of size 5km x 5km (10 sq mi). Within a given block, atlasers recorded each bird species detected, breeding code of the species, observation date, and optionally, habitat code and abundance code. Due to time constraints, it was not possible for atlasers to survey every block within a given quad, thus the centereast (CE) block was designated the Priority Block. In order for the Atlas to be complete, the Priority Block was surveyed for each quad. Additionally, there are 138 quads which contain one or more Specialty Blocks for which habitat information of each species observation was required.

Atlasers completed a new field card for every block they surveyed. The atlaser recorded the year, quad name, and block. A record of field visits was kept containing date of each survey trip, whether the trip was a night survey, number of hours spent in the field each trip, total number of observers on each trip, total number of hours spent traveling to and from field sites, and total mileage. Additionally, atlasers completed casual observation forms to record species in blocks the atlaser was not formally surveying.

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