- Region 1 - Bayfield County: Ted Gostomski / 715-373-1054 /
- Region 1 - Douglas County: Steve LaValley / 715-364-2771
- Region 2 - Ashland and Iron Counties: Dick Verch / 715-682-5453 /
- Region 3 - Oneida and Vilas Counties: Jim Baughman / 715-479-6662
/ baughj@dnr.state.wi.us
- Region 4 - Florence and Forest Counties: Robert Howe / 920-469-2272
/ hower@uwgb.edu
- Region 5 - Marinette and Oconto Counties: Jerry Smith / 920-829-6353
/ kajers@ez-net.com
- Region 6 - Langlade and Lincoln Counties: Lynn Schimmels / 715-627-0215
- Region 7 - Price, Rusk, Sawyer Counties: Keith Merkel / 715-384-2383
- Region 8 - Barron, Burnett, Washburn Counties: James Hoefler / 715-463-2739
/ hoeflj@dnr.state.wi.us
- Region 9 - Pierce, Polk, St. Croix Counties: Joe Hudick / 715-755-2927
/ cen40944@centuryinter.net
- Region 10 - Chippewa, Dunn, Eau Claire Counties: Janine Polk / 715-839-9265
/ j_l_polk@yahoo.com
- Region 11 - Buffalo, Pepin, Tremealeau Counties: Fred Lesher / 608-783-1149
/ corax6330@yahoo.com
- Region 12 - Clark, Jackson, Taylor Counties: Ken Luepke / 715-659-3910
/ luepke@pcpros.net
- Region 13 - Marathon, Portage, Wood Counties: Murray Berner / 715-341-5625
/ emjaybe@hotmail.com
- Region 14 - Menominee, Shawano, Waupaca Counties: Mark Peterson /
- Region 15 - Brown and Kewaunee Counties: Bob Mead / 920-494-2312 /
- Region 15 - Door County: Charlotte Lukes / 920-823-2478 /
- Region 16 - Manitowoc County: Charles Sontag / 920-682-8988 /
- Region 16 - Sheboygan County: Scott Baughman / 920-459-9845 /
- Region 17 - Calumet, Outagamie, Winnebago Counties: Tom Ziebell /
920-235-0326 / cziebell@new.rr.com
- Region 18 - Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties: Jeff Baughman / 262-626-4713
/ jeffb@csd.k12.wi.us
- Region 18 - Washington County: Bob Domagalski / 262-251-6259 /
- Region 19 - Green Lake, Marquette, Waushara Counties: Tom Schultz
/ 920-294-3021 / trschultz@centurytel.net
- Region 20 - Adams, Juneau, Monroe Counties: Eric Epstein / 608-823-7837
/ epstee@dnr.state.wi.us
- Region 20 - Adams, Juneau, Monroe Counties: Dennis Kuecherer / 608-786-3770
/ drk_5@yahoo.com
- Region 21 - Crawford County: Dennis Kirschbaum / 608-326-2718 / dennis.kirschbaum@dnr.state.wi.us
- Region 21 - LaCrosse and Vernon Counties: Bettie Harriman / 920-233-1973
/ bettie@vbe.com
- Region 21 - Richland County: Barbara Duerksen / 608-538-3820 /
- Region 22 - Dane and Sauk Counties: Mark Martin / 608-635-4160 /
(Sam Robbins, deceased - forrmer coordinator for Region 22)
- Region 23 - Jefferson and Waukesha Counties: Karen Etter Hale / 920-648-8195
/ chimneyswift@gdinet.com
- Region 24 - Milwaukee and Ozaukee Counties: Brian Boldt / 414-225-2543
/ brianb@lowerytech.com
- Region 25 - Kenosha and Racine Counties: Jerry DeBoer / 262-835-4642
/ IonSparo@aol.com
- Region 26 - Green, Rock, Walworth Counties: Brad Paulson / 608-879-2647
/ brad.paulson@enzymebio.com
- Region 27 - Grant, Iowa, Lafayette Counties: Carol McDaniel / 608-776-3379
/ cjmcd_98@yahoo.com
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