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Distribution of vouchers by state.
Distribution of Wisconsin vouchers by county.
Number of vouchers in the most prominent families.
Number of species and vouchers in prominent genera.
UWGB Herbarium vouchers
per state
UWGB vouchers by state
County # Vouchers   County # Vouchers
WI 29,703   WA 16
MO 462   IA 16
MI 357   KY 11
MN 324   ND 9
IL 272   NC 9
AK 203   AL 7
FL 170   NY 5
SC 163   TN 4
MS 141   SD 4
CO 103   GA 3
OR 95   NH 3
OH 95   HI 3
CA 54   MD 2
WY 43   TX 2
PA 32   IN 1
NM 32   MA 1
LA 31   NJ 1
AZ 26   OK 1


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Last updated on April 15, 2014