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Administrative Transformation Project

Administrative Transformation Program logo

Workday logo

What is ATP?

Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) is on a mission to rebuild finance, human resources, and research administration systems at every institution within the Universities of Wisconsin System. The goal is to reduce the complexity of the current administrative environment and refocus valuable staff time on UW's mission of education, research and outreach. 

To make this vision a reality, Universities of Wisconsin is working with stakeholders across the System to standardize processes and implement new, best-in-class technology (Workday and the Huron Research Suite). To see what is coming for each of the transformation areas, check out the following links:

  • Finance:  ATP will streamline financial operations and redesign essential finance processes so we can access more accurate data for decision-making, expand our reporting capabilities, and increase the security of our financial information.
  • Human Resources: ATP will modernize, streamline, and simplify HR tasks and processes for everyone from job applicants to retirees, improving services for our current employees and better meeting the demands of the future.
  • Research Administration:  ATP will standardize the core research administration processes, from proposal development and pre-award requirements through post-award financial management and reporting, by modernizing our electronic systems and processes.

ATP's Communications Team is developing a series of short explainer videos that will be shared with you as they become available. Check out the first video "ATP:  What's It All About?", which is live on the ATP website. You can also see up-to-date news on the Workday blog.

Everyone who works for UW-Green Bay will be trained to use Workday, whether you'll use the system to do your job or manage your employment information, such as entering time and absences or submitting for expense reimbursement. Training for all UW Staff will begin in March, 2025. Check out the ATP Workday Training website for more information about training.

Why ATP?

Campuses across the Universities of Wisconsin rely on outdated, disconnected technology and supplemental systems to complete vital administrative processes and tasks. This creates security risks, limits our access to reliable data, increases staff burden, and hinders the UW from fulfilling its mission. Workday will streamline and simplify administrative functions, provide a better user experience for administrative staff, ensure trustworthy data to inform decision-making, and reduce risk related to audits and information security. 

UW-Green Bay's ATP Campus Readiness Team is responsible for supporting the UW-Green Bay community throughout the transition to Workday and Huron Research Suite. Campus readiness team members participate in meetings, ensure completion of campus readiness activities, and communicate with faculty and staff about ATP updates, changing business processes, and end-user training

Members include:

Campus Readiness Lead, HR, and Communications ~ Melissa Nash, Assistant Chancellor for Talent & Technology

Finance ~ Kent Bond, Assistant Chancellor for Finance/CFO

Finance  ~ SuAnn Detampel, Controller

HR ~ Kimberly Deering, HR Systems Manager

Budget ~ Lisa Jackovich, Budget Director

Academic Affairs ~ Courtney Sherman, Associate Provost

Grants & Research ~ Roger Wareham, Director, Office of Grants & Research

Grants & Research ~ Taylor St. Onge, Grants Accountant

Information Technology ~ Mike Bubolz, Chief Information Officer

Information Technology ~ Virginia Englebert, Director of Enterprise Applications & Integration

Registrar ~ Dan Vande Yacht, Registrar

Campus Readiness Team Support ~ Tracy VanErem, Financial Specialist II

February 4, 2025 ~ Workday Training Update 

Workday will go-live at all 13 Universities of Wisconsin (UW) institutions in July. This project, which impacts Human Resources, Finance, Purchasing, and Research Administration activities, will standardize and modernize our business processes across the UW. Thanks to the tireless efforts of your UW colleagues, we will begin working in the system in July 2025. 

To help prepare you for the transition to Workday, the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) team has created training courses, job aids, and other resources. 


All faculty and staff will use Workday to perform Employee Self-Service tasks, including: 

Able to DoAble to View

•    Submit your time worked

•    Request time off

•    Update your address and personal information

•    Initiate requisitions to purchase goods or services

•    Submit expense reports

•    Complete performance reviews

•    Apply for internal jobs

•    Sign up for and complete training (Learning Management)

•    And more! 

•    Leave balances

•    Payslips

•    Organization chart 

•    Workday training history

•    And more!


All managers will use Workday to perform Manager Self-Service tasks, including: 

Able to DoAble to View

•    Approve timesheets

•    Create work schedules

•    Approve time-off requests

•    Assign learning courses to staff

•    Generate reports with real-time data

•    Create and approve expense reports

•    And more!  

•    Team Absence Calendar

•    Team work schedule

•    New hire onboarding progress

•    Organization chart

•    And more!

Training for Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service

Formal training is not required to complete Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service tasks in Workday. However, engaging in training courses will help prepare you and support your transition to Workday. Further details including job aids, how-to-videos, and other resources to guide you will be available in May 2025.


If you work in finance, human resources, purchasing, or research administration, most of the work you perform today will move into Workday. Training begins in March, and you will have access to Workday to practice over the four months before go-live. Several modes of training will be available, including computer-based training courses, live webinars, instructor-led courses, and office-hour sessions to answer your questions. Additional resources include how-to videos and job aids.

Training for Human Resources, Finance, Purchasing, and Research Administration 

Employees eligible for Workday training, which begins in March, will be notified on February 19.


A new Workday website is being developed and will include help resources and information about who to contact for training assistance. You will receive a reminder and link to the website when your training officially begins. 


To help you prepare for the changes ahead, check out What Workday Means for You. You will find videos, overviews, and short demonstrations that highlight the changes for your role. 


RAMP training will occur April-June for employees who work in research administration. Employees who are impacted by RAMP will receive correspondence in late March. 

If questions arise during the Workday implementation, please contact a member of the Campus Readiness Team (listed below) or email

The support and engagement of our institution is critical to the success of this endeavor. We want to thank you in advance for your participation in this effort to better serve our faculty, staff, and students.

UW-Green Bay ATP Campus Readiness Team

January 27, 2024 ~ Faculty & Instructional Academic Staff Update

The UW-Green Bay Readiness Team and other institutional stakeholders are actively preparing for the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) implementation, which will take place in July of 2025. 

What’s Changing for Faculty & Instructional Academic Staff

We are excited to announce the following videos and one-pagers developed in the past month on topics specifically for Faculty & Instructional Academic Staff:

•    Check Out What’s Changing: Workday for Faculty

Watch an overview of important faculty actions that will happen in Workday. Then dive deeper by reviewing resources related to faculty-specific topics

•    Check out What’s Changing: 9-over-12 Pay Schedule Option for 9-Month Employees

Starting with the 2025-26 academic year, 9-month faculty and academic staff may choose to defer 25% of their salary and receive it over the summer. Get introduced to the key concepts of the new 9-over-12 pay schedule option in Workday in this short video.

*Please note that there are no action items needed at this time related to the 9-over-12 pay schedule option. More information, including individualized details between 12 vs. 9-month gross pay schedules, will be provided to 9-month employees closer to the 2025-2026 Academic Year.

•    Check out What’s Changing: How We Manage Info About Positions and Academic Appointments 

When Workday goes live in July 2025, Universities of Wisconsin employment information will be entered and stored in one system. Workday’s structure will include details about faculty positions and academic appointments — and link the two.

Please see below for links to other previously published “What’s Changing” videos:

•    What’s Changing: Time and Absence

•    What’s Changing: Workday Learning

•    What’s Changing: Approvals in Workday

•    What’s Changing: Expense Reports & Workday Mobile

•    What’s Changing: Grants Management


Changing software systems is a bit like moving into a new house. You think about what to pack first and last — and when to disconnect the utilities in your old home. At the same time, you decide when to connect the new utilities and what you need to unpack first to get up and running in your new home. Moving our business processes into Workday requires the same kind of thinking.

Cutover is the time established for moving our business processes from the current technology systems like Human Resource System (HRS) and Shared Financial System (SFS) to Workday. Cutover activities are deliberately sequenced and scheduled for the months leading up to and following our Workday go-live in July 2025. The cutover plan details when we will stop entering information into old systems and begin entering information into Workday.

To find out more about the cutover schedule and how it may impact you, please see the Workday Implementation Cutover webpage for updates. Additional specific information related to cutover for financial transactions will be provided by the Controller’s Office.

May 2, 2024 ~ Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) & Workday

The Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) will be replacing much of the outdated technology we use today with the cloud-based Workday enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and a Huron Research Suite solution (Research Administration Modernization Project, or RAMP) to manage financial, human resource, and research administration activities.

The Workday implementation relies on ATP’s people-first approach to ensure we realize the benefits of improved processes, efficiencies, consistency, and transparency. Representatives from our campus have served on Design Focus and Validation Groups, as well as a Campus Readiness Team, which will provide updates as we prepare for Workday end-user training in March of 2025, ahead of Workday go-live in July 2025. You can watch some short videos about ATP and Workday. You’ll find more great information about ATP and Workday by visiting the ATP Website.

The ATP website provides an overview of upcoming changes to business processes for Finance, Human Resources, and Research Administration, as well as news and resources for staff.

If you’re looking for another way to get a first look at what’s happening, start with the following fliers that provide an overview about ATP and Workday.

To find out more information about ATP, including information about the UW-Green Bay Readiness Team, project timeline, and links to more details regarding transformations within Finance, Human Resources, and Research Administration, please take a look at the UW-Green Bay ATP website.

The support and engagement of our campus is critical to the success of this endeavor. We want to thank you in advance for your participation in this effort to better serve our faculty, staff, and students.

July 21, 2023 ~ Stay Informed on Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) & Workday

Be sure to stay in the know regarding the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) and Workday by signing up for ATP Touchpoints to get the latest program updates, Workday demos and more.
The ATP Website provides an overview of the upcoming changes to business processes for Finance, Human Resources, and Research Administration, as well as news and resources for staff.
Additionally, each month, ATP introduces a new topic of Workday functionality with a demonstration of a related business process in Workday Walkthroughs. This is your best opportunity to see Workday prior to end-user training, which begins in March 2024. Recordings of Workday Walkthroughs are available to anyone with a UW login ID.

June 19, 2023 ~ Update Administrative Transformation Program & Workday

Dear UW Green Bay Community:
Are you just beginning to learn more about the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) and Workday or wondering where to start? Begin with these short videos about ATP and Workday. You’ll find more great information about ATP and Workday by visiting the ATP Website.
The ATP website provides an overview of upcoming changes to business processes for Finance, Human Resources, and Research Administration, as well as news and resources for staff.
If you’re looking for another way to get a first look at what’s happening, start with the following fliers that provide an overview about ATP and Workday.

Additionally, each month, ATP introduces a new topic of Workday functionality with a demonstration of a related business process in Workday Walkthroughs. This is your best opportunity to see Workday prior to end-user training, which begins in March 2024. Recordings of Workday Walkthroughs are available to anyone with a UW login ID.
The support and engagement of our campus is critical to the success of this endeavor. I want to thank you in advance for your participation in this effort to better serve our faculty, staff, and students.

May 19, 2023 ~ Introduction of Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) & Workday

The Universities of Wisconsin are committed to the advancement of our shared mission across the state. To ensure future success, we must be forward thinking about the infrastructure required to support business processes and technology for all the UW campuses.

In 2019, the Board of Regents approved the creation of the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP) and charged the team with establishing a plan to streamline and standardize finance, human resources, and research administration processes across the entire Universities of Wisconsin. This change is needed because our current technology and systems:

  • Limit our access to reliable data
  • Create burdensome workflows for administrative staff
  • Introduce security risks
  • Do not allow us to meet the ever-evolving requirements of higher education

ATP will replace much of the outdated technology we use today with the cloud-based Workday enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and a Huron Research Suite solution (Research Administration Modernization Project, or RAMP) to manage financial, human resource, and research administrative activities.

The Workday implementation relies on ATP's people-first approach to ensure we realize the benefits of improved processes, efficiencies, consistency, and transparency. Representatives from our campus have served on Design Focus and Validation Groups, as well as a Campus Readiness Team, which will provide updates as we prepare for Workday end-user training in March of 2024, ahead of Workday go-live in July 2024.

To find out more information about ATP, including inforamtion about the UW-Green Bay Readiness Team, project timeline, and links to more details regarding transformations within Finance, Human Resources, and Research Administration, please take a look at our newly-created UW-Green Bay ATP website.

The support and engagement of our campus is critical to the success of this endeavor. We want to thank you, in advance, for your participation in this effort to better serve our faculty, staff and students.