Counselor Hub
Can we get a round of applause?
For the school counselors, that is
We see you. We know how hard you are working to support your students in every aspect of their lives. You are the real MVPs.

Sharing our resources
Helping you help your students
Please find below a number of resources to assist your students in the preparation, application and admission processes.
But Wait, There's More!
We want to bring our expertise in college and career exploration to the table to support your students. We are talking support with college application info, essay writing hints, selecting college courses, ACP presentations and the many things we aren’t thinking of that you need. Tell us what we can do for you and we’ll work to build a program around it.

Phuture Phoenix
The Phuture Phoenix program allows UW-Green Bay to partner with area schools to provide students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to learn about post-secondary education from current UW-Green Bay students.

My education, my way
This collaborative program brings representatives from UW-Green Bay, NWTC and St. Norbert College to your school for a presentation about the types of higher education available in the Green Bay community. Want to learn more?

Application Events
UW-Green Bay is happy to support application events at high schools. Admission professionals and currents students are happy to assist and advise students with their applications to any higher education institution.

Classroom Visits
UW-Green Bay faculty, staff and students would love to visit your classrooms. If you are looking for a guest speaker about any topic from the application process to environmental science, give us a call!

Non-resident students
Tuition discounts are available for qualifying non-resident students, including Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) students, through Phoenix Scholar Awards.

Extra! Read all about it
Rachele Bakic, Executive Director of Admissions, publishes a quarterly newsletter about UW-Green Bay and topics in higher education.

We're always here
There's a UW-Green Bay admissions counselor waiting to serve you! If you know your high school's admissions contact, visit our staff page to reach out. Don't know where to start? We've got you.