Your Career
Internships are essential to your college experience and future success.
There are reasons two internships are required to graduate from the program: they provide hands-on experience in an organization, the opportunity to be mentored by someone in the industry and real-world application of what you learn in class. Plus, internships are the new job interview! You just might find an employer who refuses to let you go.

Internships for Credit
Internships involve about 50 hours of field work for each credit, so about 150 hours for a three-credit internship; this is about 10 hours per week during a regular semester. To get credit for your internship, follow these steps:
- Decide if you want an internal UW-Green Bay internship (with the Teaching Press, Sheepshead Review, Northern Lights and more) or one with an outside organization, like a local game developer or community service provider. We can help you find options!
- Professor Meacham will work with you to make sure your internship counts for credit as ENGLISH 497. Together, you will complete this form to turn your internship in to class credits.
Internship Form
- For a more in-depth description, watch Professor Meacham’s video on internships.
Watch the Video

"I have done internships for UW-Green Bay’s literary journal Sheepshead Review. In my sophomore year, I first started on the poetry staff and then became a nonfiction editor and social media coordinator. I am currently the managing editor for SHR in my last semester of college!"
Lydia Downey '22
Double Major in Digital and Public Humanities and Writing and Applied Arts

Internship Support
Professor Meacham is committed to your success as a writing and applied arts major. She can help you find and prepare for an internship.