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Rising Leadership Noncredit Certificate

Take Charge

Emerge as a leader.

This certificate is designed to equip students and entry-level women to emerge as leaders with key knowledge, perspectives and skills that will enable them to advance in their careers. With a focus on women and gender equity, the certificate will address personal, organizational and society issues that may aid or get in the way of growth. The certificate will be offered for credit to undergraduate students and non-credit for aspiring leaders from the community.

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Our Certificate At a Glance

Find out more about the Rising Leadership Certificate.


Classes take place by semester.


Your classes will be mostly online in an accelerated 7-week format.


Classes are $353 per credit ($1,059 per class). Noncredit classes are $349 per class.

Maximize Your Degree

Undergraduate students pursuing the Organizational Leadership major can select the emphasis "Rising Leadership," which will also earn them a certificate. Students declaring other majors can also obtain the certificate for credit, and aspiring leaders can obtain the certificate for noncredit. In summary, the flexible design of the certificate offers the following options:

  • Rising Leadership Emphasis and Certificate for the Organizational Leadership Major (for undergraduate credit)
  • Rising Leadership Certificate (for undergraduate credit regardless of major program)
  • Rising Leadership Certificate (continuing professional education for aspiring leaders without credit)

The certificate will encourage women to engage in reflection on their careers and desired vocations with timely discussions and assignments based on current issues.

All courses will be offered in a 7-week accelerated mostly online format for both credit and noncredit. (The learning experience will be the same for both.) Classes are also available ala carte.

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Gain a Competitive Edge

Upon successful completion of all sessions, you will receive an exclusive UW-Green Bay credential, a digital badge validating your accomplishment and signaling to employers your mastery of the curriculum. The digital badge can be featured on LinkedIn, your resume, email signature and website.


Each course will be mostly online in an accelerated 7-week format. Classes are available as part of accelerated credit or noncredit program and are also available ala carte. If taking the courses for credit, please review the information in the course catalog.

Gender in Popular Culture

Fall 2024
WOST 203, 3 Credits

In this course, we will examine ways gender has been portrayed and is currently portrayed in the media, in television and movies, popular music, internet, print sources like magazines, popular fiction, newspapers and other cultural artifacts. With reading assignments ranging from critical theory to popular fiction, we will explore the origin and impact of popular stereotypes of women. Participants will be encouraged to question agency in the creation and consumption of mass culture. Issues of race, class, sexual orientation, age, and physical ability will be reviewed as we critically examine the forms and functions of popular culture.

Rising Leadership

Fall 2024
ORG LEAD 301, 3 Credits

In this course, learners will explore issues related to gender in the workplace and develop a comprehensive plan for creating a gender-inclusive workplace culture. The plan will include policies, procedures, and leadership practices to support an equitable and high performing organization.

Gender & Equity in Organizational Leadership

Dates TBA
ORG LEAD 302, 3 Credits

Through exploration of important questions and relevant issues of gender and leadership, this course prepares the learner to gain critical self-awareness around their own identities and leadership practice while also developing an understanding of the potential gender barriers in organizational leadership. Learners will think critically about the ways gender and leadership are intertwined in systems of power, privilege, and oppression, while also considering the role of effective leadership styles that promote inclusivity in organizations.

Sociological Perspectives on Gender

Dates TBA
SOCIOL 238, 3 Credits

A sociological examination of roles assigned to women and men in society, including the experiences of marriage, parenthood, employment and occupational attainment. Pays particular attention to gender role socialization and its cultural reinforcement, to patterns of gender relations and to ongoing changes.

Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies

Summer 2024
WOST 241, 3 Credits

Interdisciplinary introduction to the study of gender, identity, expression and sexuality; the influence of gender on social institutions and structures; and an intersectional examination of women, men, and LGBTQ+ lives in the United States historically and today.

Registering for the Complete Certificate

When registering for the complete Rising Leadership Certificate, please select all five classes. You must complete all five sessions to earn the certificate and receive the digital badge.

executive director Pa Lee Moua

Find out More

Have questions about the Rising Leadership Certificate? We’re ready to assist with questions or provide more information about the certificate program. Your leadership journey starts here.

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