2004 Symposium
Welcome to the 1st Annual Student Watershed Symposium!
The first annual Lower Fox River Watershed Monitoring Program Student Symposium was held on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 at UW - Green Bay. The symposium brought together for the first time student- teacher teams from the participating schools, program partners, agency representatives and community members to learn about overall Program activities.
The day started with field bird monitoring training for the students and teachers led by the UWGB Cofrin Center for Biodiversity. The opening session began with a welcome by Chancellor Bruce Shepard, and was followed by a Program overview Drs. Kevin Fermanich (UWGB), Tim Ehlinger (UW - Milwaukee) and Peter Hughes (USGS). The school teams prepared and displayed posters about their watersheds and monitoring procedures. Students and teachers also attended break-out sessions on various monitoring techniques and participated in "quiz sessions."
Please contact program coordinator Annette Pelegrin pelegria@uwgb.edu or 465-5031.