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UW-Green Bay Research

Stream & Field Monitoring Stations in Fox-Wolf Basin

Stream and edge-of-field monitoring data collected at water monitoring stations by the Lower Fox River Watershed Monitoring Program (LFRWMP), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Wisconsin and others are supplied here primarily for in-house use by UW-Green Bay and collaborators. Data presented here consists mostly as links to the original sources. These stations record precipitation, gauge height and discharge. As streamflow increases due to runoff events, automated samplers installed at the stations collect water samples, which are analyzed by the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District (NEW Water) laboratory or other analytical lab for total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus and total suspended solids (TSS). 

This data, along with bimonthly low-flow sampling, enable researchers to calculate and model suspended sediment and phosphorus loads at the station and delivered to the Fox River and lower Green Bay. Online real-time and historical data are available for stations listed below, including those that are not part of the LFRWMP.

Map with Links (pdf)

Lower Fox River Watershed Monitoring Program

(LFRWMP) Stations and USGS stations typically have real-time and historical stream discharge available through USGS or UW-Green Bay links that are listed below. Other data that are frequently available include: Phosphorus and TSS loads on daily, monthly and annual basis, sample concentrations, statistics, field measurements, sites info/map, and 5 to 15 minute-instantaneous unit data (select menu items after clicking the supplied links for other information).

WY2004-21 Summary (report)

Table (below) and plots of TSS1 and phosphorus watershed Yields and Flow-weighted Period Mean Concentrations

DPFlow-weighted (mg/L)Water YearsUSGS #
East River368.22190.210.830.3542.5%950.3770.16042004-0740851378


Plum West24.42600.742.231.1049.6%2860.8570.42582014-214084927
East ZZ118.52730.471.610.7546.7%1730.5890.275102012-214085108


Suspended solids concentrations (SSC) analyzed instead of TSS at Mahon and Wequiock UW-Green Bay stations, and East River at CTH ZZ USGS station (Plum Creek USGS station only after WY2021). The term TSS is used to represent SSC at these sites for purposes of simplicity, because the concentrations are nearly the same in local streams which have low proportions of large, suspended particles. See AGL Water Monitoring Coordination Report-Appendix A for more details and analysis.

WY2004-21 Annual

Watershed Yields, Flow-weighted Concentrations and Sample Concentrations:

ACTIVE Stream Monitoring Stations

INACTIVE Stream Monitoring Stations

GLRI Edge-of-Field LFRWMP USGS/UWGB Studies

Evaluate effectiveness of Agricultural Conservation Practices on water quantity and quality: suspended solids, turbidity, total and dissolved phosphorus, etc.

  • Constructed Wetland Treatment TrainStudies
  • Paired Vegetated Waterway Study Stations in Plum Watershed3 (East, West), Final 2021 Report; inactive
  • Paired Managed Grazing Study Stations in Silver Creek4: Final 2021 Report; inactive

GLRI USGS Edge-of-Field Lower Fox Stations

DISCOVERY Farms Tile Sites

near St. Nazianz; Algoma; Pulcifer

Upper Fox Stations

Additional Resources

  • Summaries of discrete samples and daily USGS data can be found at USGS stream links above, plus our WY2004 to 2006 report is available:
    • USGS/UWGB Summary of WY2004-2006. Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5111. Hydrology, phosphorus, and suspended solids in five agricultural streams in the Lower Fox River and Green Bay Watersheds, Wisconsin, Water Years 2004–06: Grayczyk, D.J., Robertson, D.M., Baumgart, P.D., and Fermanich, K.J., 2012.
  • Weather, Radar (1, 2) and Climate Data (GBay, example of NOAA NCEI hourly data)
  • Presentations Given by the LFRWMP Team

Project Funding Footnotes

  1. funded jointly by the LFRWMP, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and the USGS
  2. funded jointly by the LFRWMP, Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District (NEW Water) and the USGS
  3. funded jointly by the LFRWMP and the USGS through an EPA GLRI grant administered by the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance
  4. funded jointly by the LFRWMP and NEW Water through an EPA GLRI grant administered by NEW Water
Lynn Terrien portrait

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Ask Lynn Terrien, Outreach and Education Coordinator for the program. If you have questions, she can help!

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