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Calendar & Equipment

Each student-teacher team performs seasonal rounds of monitoring at two or more monitoring locations within their selected stream. Sampling is done by all teams within the same 2-3 week period in spring, summer, and fall of each year. Most stream monitoring is performed when streams are wade-able and not affected by recent rain events. All teams use standardized methods and professional-grade equipment. Monitoring protocols were modified from the SWRP manual (Lindbo, et al., 2003), the University of Wisconsin Extension/WDNR Water Action Volunteers (WAV) citizen stream monitoring program (UWEX/WDNR, 2010) and Howe, et al., (1997).

Monitoring Calendar

DateComponent TestedActivity
April 24 - May 18Water QualityTeams monitor two stream stations for water quality
July 5 - August 7Water Quality, Habitat & BiotaTeams monitor two stream stations for water quality. Stream habitat and macroinvertebrate survey are also done at this time.
September 18 - October 16Water QualityTeams monitor two stream stations for water quality.

How and when do we measure it?

Water Chemistry

This is monitored in the Fall (September-October), Spring (May) and Summer (July-August).

Soluble Reactive Phosphorus
Ammonia NitrogenNitrate Nitrogen
EquipmentHach DR/850 or
DR/900 Colorimeter
DR/850 or DR/900
Hach DR/850 or DR/900
MethodColorimetric, Ascorbic AcidColorimetric, SalicylateColorimetric, Cadmium Reduction

Physical Parameters

This is monitored in the Fall (September-October), Spring (May) and Summer (July-August).

Stream FlowTemperature
EquipmentMeasuring tape, Rod for depth measurement, orange
YSI Pro 20i DO/Temp probe
Oakton EC Testr+
Transparency /Turbidity Tube, 60 cmOakton pH Tester
YSI Pro 20i DO/Temp Probe
MethodFloating Object MethodMeter and thermistorClear tube w/ secchi disk and drain valveMeter and electrodeMeter and electrodeMeter and polarographic sensor probe

Habitat & Biota

When we measure each habitat depends on the habitat itself.

Stream HabitatIn-stream Biotic Integrity
EquipmentStandardized schematic and inventory formMacro-
invertebrate taxonomic keys
MethodUSEPA Streamwalk
Biotic Index Calculation; WDNR WAV taxonomic key
When MonitoredSummerSummer
Lynn Terrien portrait

Ask an Expert

Ask Lynn Terrien, Outreach and Education Coordinator for the program. If you have questions, she can help!

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