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BACHELOR'S Degree IN Water Science

Lead the
Water Revolution

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Jessie Kreiling surveying a creek
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Solve the Water Crisis

Secure the future of our most precious resource.

Become a water science expert and make a lasting impact on our global water crises. With escalating threats to our water's quantity and quality, the need for dedicated professionals has never been greater. Our curriculum blends cutting-edge theory with practical applications, preparing you to lead initiatives that will ensure water security and sustainability for generations to come.

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What is Water Science?

Water science is the study of water and its interaction with solids, liquids, gases and organisms in various Earth systems. Our water science program emphasizes the fundamentals of all areas of science as they apply to water, with special emphasis on surface water and groundwater systems. Because we focus on all areas of science, your courses represent a well-rounded approach of fields, like biology, physics, chemistry, environmental science, math and geoscience.


Dip your toes into a career where you can improve the quality, management and use of critical water resources.



The global need for water science professionals to solve critical water issues is accelerating and expected to continue indefinitely.

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UW-Green Bay is consistently nationally recognized as a great higher-education value.

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Students participate in well diggingStudent dumps bucket of water in riverStudents testing river waterThree students gather water samples

The UW-Green Bay

Location, location, location.

With locations nestled near freshwater coastlines, UW-Green Bay boasts a distinction perhaps unparalleled worldwide. This extraordinary setting not only enriches your academic journey but positions you at the forefront of water research. You’ll participate in hands-on laboratory and field experiences, with research projects on groundwater, surface water, runoff and erosion management, water treatment, aquatic ecology and more.

About Water Science

Jessie Kreiling

Meet a

"I love how hands on the learning has been. I have had multiple classes where we have had field trips and outings and I really appreciate the change in environment to help solidify some of the material."

Jessie Kreiling '25
Water Science Major, Geoscience Minor
Student Research Assistant | UW-Green Bay

John Luczaj

Thirsting For More?

John Luczaj, our chair for the program, is here to help. His research focuses on the intersection between groundwater and rocks, spanning from right here in Wisconsin all the way to south China.

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