Testing Services Policies
ACT/SAT Testing Policy
Students can be reviewed for admission to UW-Green Bay without providing test scores as part of the application process. However, we encourage students to submit ACT/SAT scores as they are used for English Placement decisions. For example, in certain cases ACT/SAT scores could allow a student to satisfy certain course requirements through ACT/SAT score alone and would be very beneficial.
This policy is effective March 2020.
CLEP Exam Policies & Procedures
- CLEP exam credits will be entered on a student’s UW-Green Bay transcript only if the student is currently enrolled as a matriculated student at UW-Green Bay. A student cannot earn academic credit for previous education or life experiences for which credit has already been earned or transferred from another institution. If you have previously taken a course and did poorly in it, you cannot take a CLEP exam to try and improve the grade.
- UWGB CLEP Policies: Every institution sets its own policies regarding CLEP. If you think you might transfer to another institution, you should know the policies of both institutions before taking an exam.
- Retaking exams: You must wait three months after the original test to retake any failed CLEP exam.
- Passing Scores: General Exams (UW-Green Bay students): Beginning July 1, 2001, CLEP general exams moved to a 20-80 scale from a 200-800 scale. Hence, in order to receive credit at UW-Green Bay for any of the four CLEP General Exams accepted by UW-Green Bay after July 1, 2001, you must receive the following minimum standard scores:
- Humanities General exam = 50 or higher
- Natural Science General exam = 50 or higher
- Social Science and History General exam = 50 or higher
- Passing Scores: Subject Exams (UW-Green Bay students): In order to receive credit at UW-Green Bay for any of the CLEP Subject Exams accepted by UW-Green Bay, you must receive a total minimum standard score of 50 or higher. Exception: To receive credit for the College Mathematics exam, you must receive a total minimum standard score of 70 or higher.
- General Exams: UW-Green Bay students can receive credit for the Humanities exam, Natural Science exam and Social Science and History exam only if their UW-Green Bay transcript has fewer than 15 credits, including credits for courses in progress and transfer credits. Note: General Examinations do not meet Education Certification Requirements.
CPL Portfolio Credit Policy
UW-Green Bay will award and treat Prior Learning credits like transfer credits for purposes of meeting undergraduate degree requirements. They do not count toward “in residence” credits and the associated grade is not included in the term and cumulative grade point average.
Prior Learning credits are granted toward a UW-Green Bay degree; policies of other colleges would determine whether they would accept these Prior Learning credits for transfer into their program.
The student must observe policies and procedures in place at the time the Portfolio is submitted to the Coordinator of Testing Services.
CPL Portfolio Fee Policy
All students must pay a non-refundable administrative fee when submitting their Portfolio. The assessment fee will be based on the number of credits requested at the rate of $50 per credit plus $50 (per Portfolio). This assessment fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing the portfolio. There will be no additional charge for entering credits earned on students’ transcripts.
The total charges for awarding Portfolio credits are a $50.00 (per Portfolio) nonrefundable administrative fee plus $50/per credit nonrefundable assessment fee:
- 3 credits requested = $200
- 4 credits requested = $250
- 5 credits requested = $300
- 6 credits requested = $350
- 7 credits requested = $400
- 8 credits requested = $450
- 9 credits requested = $500
- 10 credits requested = $550
- 11 credits requested = $600
- 12 credits requested = $650
Note: The $50 per credit portion of the fee will be paid via salary overload to the faculty member who evaluates the portfolio.
Updated: October 10, 2016
Credit for Prior Military Training & Experience Policy
It is the policy and practice of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay to award the following credit for military training:
Veterans and service members must apply for their military transcript from their military affiliate and have it sent to the UW-Green Bay Admissions Office for evaluation of their military training.
ACE & CCAF Recommendations
American Council on Education (ACE) and Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) recommendations:
All recommendations for Lower Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree and Upper Division Baccalaureate credit will be honored. Vocational Certificate credit is not transferable. Recommendations for Graduate level credit may be transferable at the discretion of the graduate program. Specific military credit may apply to requirements in a major or minor at the discretion of the faculty chair of the major or minor.
- The total number of lower division credits (not including basic training) will be recorded as a block of Lower Level Elective credit.
- The total number of upper division credits will be recorded as a block of Upper Level Elective credit.
UW-Green Bay supports the proposition that it is sound educational practice to grant academic credit for high-quality educational programs conducted by the military and other non-collegiate organizations, provided that the courses are appropriate to an individual’s educational program. Thus, in November 1996, the campus’ Academic Affairs Council approved the following policy:
“Courses recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE) as appropriate for undergraduate university credit may be considered for transfer and must be approved by an appropriate UW-Green Bay department chair.”
UW-Green Bay awards and treats the credits described on this page as if they are transfer credits for purposes of meeting degree requirements and residency requirements. The military credits described on this page are granted for enrolled undergraduate students seeking a degree; policies of other colleges would determine whether they would accept these credits for transfer.
Request for Evaluation of ACE-Recommended Courses:
- Students submit official transcripts (including their military ACE record) as part of the admissions process.
- The Registrar’s Office consults with the appropriate academic unit chair for UW-Green Bay course equivalency rulings.
- The Registrar’s Office receives a course ruling and the student is awarded the credit or notified if credit is not granted.
Last updated: December 22, 2020
English/Writing Competency Requirement
In order to satisfy the UW-Green Bay English/Writing Competency Requirement students must do one of the following:
- Achieve an English subtest score of 32 or higher on the ACT (or a comparable score on the SAT).
- Transfer in a course equivalent to Writing Foundations 105 (Research and Rhetoric), Writing Foundations 200 or Engineering 236.
- Satisfactory completion of the CLEP College Composition which yields credit for WF 100 (First Year Writing), then take WF 105.
- Satisfactory completion of WF 105, WF 200 or ENGR 236.
This policy is effective July 1, 1997. Updated June 8, 2022.
English/Writing Placement Policy
- For purposes of determining appropriate Writing course placement, the University uses the ACT or SAT examination. Freshmen who wish to enroll in any Writing Foundation course, other than Writing Foundations 100 (First Year Writing), must satisfy the course prerequisites by doing one of the following:
- Submit a satisfactory ACT English score SAT Reading score to the Office of Admissions.
- Transfer in an appropriate prerequisite, college-level course.
- Transfer students who do not have an ACT or SAT score and who have not satisfactorily completed and transferred in a college-level course in Writing Foundations will enroll in Writing Foundations 100 (First Year Writing).
- Satisfactory completion of the CLEP College Composition (includes essay) will yield credit for Writing Foundations 100 (First Year Writing) and will satisfy the prerequisite for Writing Foundations 105 (Research and Rhetoric).
- Students who wish to appeal their English/Writing course placement, as determined by the ACT or SAT, should contact the Director of the Composition Program. The Director's decision is final and will be communicated to the Registrar in writing.
- All international students whose country of origin's primary language is not English will be placed into either Writing Foundations 100, First Year Writing or Writing Foundations 164, First Year Writing for International Students. The exception to this would be international students who have an ACT English score of 32 or above, or an SAT Critical Reading score of 750 or above, or an SAT Reading score of 39 or above. WF 200 may instead be required by major.
This policy is effective July 1, 1997. Updated June 8, 2022. Related information:
Mathematics Course Placement Policy
- For purposes of determining appropriate mathematics course placement, the University uses the Wisconsin Math Placement Test (WMPT). Students who wish to enroll in any mathematics course, other than remedial math, must satisfy the course prerequisites by doing one of the following:
- Submit an official WMPT score to the Office of the Registrar.
- Transfer in an appropriate prerequisite, college-level course.
- Students classified as new freshmen, who do not complete the WMPT will not be allowed to register for mathematics classes, or for courses with college level mathematics as a prerequisite.
- Students who have not taken the WMPT or have not satisfactorily completed and transferred in a college level course in mathematics have the prerogative of enrolling in Math 094, Math 099, Math 100, Busan 220 or Psych 205 +097.
- Students who wish to appeal their mathematics course placement, as determined by the WMPT, should contact the Chair of the Mathematics Program. His/her decision is final and will be communicated to the Registrar in writing.
- All international students will be subject to the same policy as outlined above.
This policy is effective July 1, 1997. Updated March 22, 2021.
Mathematics Placement Test (WMPT) Policy
- All entering students classified as new freshmen must take the Wisconsin Math Placement Test in order to satisfy Math Competency. A MFND score of 466+ satisfies competency. Students who transfer in a course equivalent to or higher than Math 094, Math 099, Math 100, Busan 220 or Psych 205 are exempted from this requirement.
- All entering students, classified as new freshmen, who do not take the WMPT prior to their first semester of enrollment, will not be able to register for any math or math-related courses until they complete the test.
- Students are allowed one retest and there must be a two-week window before taking the retest. The retest must be taken paper/pencil if the original test was taken online.
- The Mathematics Placement Test is meant as a placement tool for enrolling into certain math courses. Students cannot take the Math Placement Test, enroll and take a math course (at UW-Green Bay or any other transfer institution), then retake the Math Placement Test again after enrolling and taking a math course (in hopes of doing better on the test and placing into a higher level).
This policy is effective July 1, 1997. Updated March 22, 2021.
Related information:
Missed Testing Appointments
If an individual misses two appointments with UW-Green Bay Testing Services, they will need to pay a non-refundable fee of $10.00 prior to rescheduling.
Retroactive Credits
See UW-Green Bay's Retroactive Credit Policy.
For more information, see our Retroactive Credits page.

Have Questions?
If you need more information or have any questions about placement policies or credit options at UW-Green Bay, we’re here to help! Contact Us for assistance with your testing and placement needs.