How English Placement Works
At UW-Green Bay, students don't take an English Placement Test. Instead, placement in your first writing course is determined based on your ACT or SAT scores.
First-Year Students
If you're a first-year student and want to enroll in any writing course beyond Writing Foundations 100 (First Year Writing), you must:
- Submit an official ACT English score.
- Or transfer in an equivalent college-level writing course.
Transfer Students
If you’re a transfer student without ACT/SAT scores or a completed college-level writing course, you will be placed in Writing Foundations 100.
International Students
If your primary language is not English, you'll be placed into either Writing Foundations 100, First Year Writing or Writing Foundations 164, First Year Writing for International Students.
ACT & SAT Scores
We encourage students to submit ACT or SAT scores to UW-Green Bay, even though they aren’t required for admission. These scores help determine your placement in writing courses, and in some cases, may allow you to satisfy certain course requirements.
ACT Scores
To view and send your ACT scores, log in to MyACT or call 319-337-1270 and provide UW-Green Bay's ACT code: 4688
SAT Scores
To request your SAT scores go to collegeboard.com and provide UW-Green Bay's ACT code: 1859
By Transcript
If your ACT or SAT score is listed on your high school transcript, that score can be used to make placement decisions.
Credit by Exam
If you pass the CLEP College Composition exam (with an essay), you’ll receive credit for Writing Foundations 100, and be eligible to take Writing Foundations 105 (Research and Rhetoric).
English Competency Requirement
To meet the UW-Green Bay English/Writing Competency Requirement, you must do one of the following:
- Score 32 or higher on the ACT English subtest (or SAT Reading score of 39 or higher).
- Transfer in an equivalent course for Writing Foundations 105, Writing Foundations 200 or Engineering 236.
- Complete WF 105, WF 200, or ENGR 236 successfully.
For more details, contact your advisor or the Office of Admissions.

Have Questions?
For questions about English placement testing, contact Pam Gilson at testing@uwgb.edu or 920-465-2221.