DSST Exams
If you’ve gained knowledge through work, military service or independent learning, DSST exams offer a way to earn college credit at UW-Green Bay. Originally designed for the military, DSST tests are now available to anyone, including civilian students and adult learners.
What are DSST Exams?
DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are national, standardized exams that allow you to earn UW-Green Bay credits by achieving the required score. These exams cover a wide range of subjects, helping you apply your prior knowledge toward your degree.
Where Can You Take DSST Exams?
DSST exams are offered online as well as at test centers across the U.S. and Wisconsin. Look up testing locations in the DSST Test Center Search.
When Are DSST Exams Offered?
Test dates are determined by the individual test centers. Contact your chosen test site to find available exam dates.
DSST Exam Cost
Each DSST exam costs $100. Some test centers may charge an additional administrative fee, so be sure to confirm pricing with the test center before scheduling.
Who can take DSST Exams?
Anyone can take a DSST exam to earn credits at UW-Green Bay, whether you're a military service member, adult learner or a traditional college student.
How to Prepare for DSST Exams
You can access study materials to help you prepare for DSST exams. DSST endorses DSSTPrep, a product from SpeedyPrep, which offers practice tests and other study resources. Find more information on preparation tools at DSSTPrep.com.
Need More Information?
For further details, contact the nearest test center for help with scheduling and registration or visit the official DSST website.
How DSST Credits Work at UW-Green Bay
Once you pass a DSST exam with the required minimum score, you can earn credits for specific UW-Green Bay courses. For example, a score of 434 on the Art of the Western World exam earns you 3 credits for ART 103.
When registering for DSST exams, be sure to use the UW-Green Bay site code: 8366.
Transfer Credits
DSST exam credits are treated as transfer credits and may not be accepted by other institutions. Always check with your new college or university if you plan to transfer.
UWGB Credits
See a full list of DSST exams and their corresponding UW-Green Bay course credits, in the DSST Exam equivalency table below.
Find Your DSST Equivalencies
Use the table below to check how your DSST scores translate to UW-Green Bay credits.
Test Name | Minimum Score, 2007 or earlier | Minimum Score, 2008 or later | UWGB Course | Credits |
Art of the Western World | 53 | 434 | ART 103 | 3 |
Astronomy | 52 | 434 | PHYS 141 | 3 |
Business Law II | 52 | 434 | BUS ADM 306 | 4 |
Contemporary Western Europe 1946-1990 | 52 | 434 | HIST elective (UL), Soc Sci Gen Ed | 3 |
Environmental Science (Formerly Environment & Humanity: Race to Save the Planet) | 53 | 434 | ENV SCI 102 | 3 |
Ethics in America | 50 | 434 | PHILOS 102 | 3 |
Finance, Principles | 53 | 434 | FIN 343 | 3 |
Financial Accounting, Principles | 49 | 434 | ACCTG 201 | 4 |
General Anthropology | 53 | 434 | ANTH elective, Soc Sci Gen Ed | 3 |
Health & Human Development | NDC | 434 | PSYCH 203 | 3 |
History of the Vietnam War | 51 | 434 | HIST elective (LL), Soc Sci Gen Ed | 3 |
Human Resource Mgmt | 53 | 434 | HRM 362 | 3 |
Introduction to Business | 54 | 434 | BUS ADM 202 | 3 |
Lifespan Developmental Psych | 51 | 434 | PSYCH 203 | 3 |
Modern Middle East, Intro | 51 | 434 | HIST elective (UL), Soc Sci or Global Cult Gen Ed | 3 |
Organizational Behavior | 52 | 434 | MGMT 389 | 3 |
Personal Finance | 51 | 434 | BUS ADM 282 | 3 |
Physical Geology (discontinued 1-1-15) | 53 | 434 | GEO SCI 102 | 3 |
Physical Science, Principles | 52 | 434 | PHYS 180 | 3 |
Public Speaking, Principles | 49 | 434 | COMM 133 | 3 |
History of the Soviet Union (Formerly Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union) | 50 | 434 | HIST elective (UL), Soc Sci Gen Ed | 3 |
Statistics, Principles | 51 | 434 | MATH 260 | 4 |
Substance Abuse (Formerly Drug & Alcohol Abuse) | 53 | 434 | PSYCH 310 | 3 |
Supervision, Principles | 49 | 434 | BUS ADM elective (UL) | 3 |
Last updated: April 20, 2021

Have Questions?
For questions about DSST Testing, contact Pam Gilson at testing@uwgb.edu or 920-465-2221.