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Regional Placement Testing

We are pleased that you have chosen one of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campuses as you embark on your journey toward a college education. The following information explains the Wisconsin Regional Placement Testing Program. The tests are required as part of your enrollment and registration process.

What are they?
Placement Tests are used to place you into the appropriate level Math or World Language course. The Math Placement Test is required. This test is 90 minutes in length. UW-Green Bay does not use the English Placement Test as we use the ACT English or SAT Reading score for placement purposes. Do NOT take the English Placement Test. The World Language Placement Test is recommended if you plan to enroll in a French, German, or Spanish course. This test is 60 minutes in length. It is important that you do well on the tests otherwise you will be placed into a remedial level course. Please know that cheating also will not be to your advantage.

What if I've taken AP courses?
Since the AP scores are not available until July and registration is prior, you should most definitely plan to take the Math Placement Test. There is always the chance that you may not pass the AP exam either.

What if I've taken college level math courses?
If you have taken college level math courses while in high school (eg..CAPP, CCIHS, ECCP, Rising Phoenix) and you know how these will transfer in and are satisfied with that placement, you do not need to take the Math Placement Test. Once we receive your official college transcripts and award the credit, your math competency level will be updated.

Where do I take the tests?
Online, unproctored, using a computer, at your own convenience. It is advised to test EARLY, at least 10 days prior to your registration/orientation date so that scores are on file.

How do I sign up?
Go to:  where you will begin the registration process. You will be taking the tests online, unproctored, at your own convenience. The math test version we are using is Math Test A (not Test B!); however, if you have also been admitted to or are considering another Universities of Wisconsin institution, please check that campus website for math test recommendations. You will need your UW-Green Bay username and password to get registered. Have it available to refer to. If you have lost the information, call the IT Service Desk at 920-465-2309. After you have registered, you'll be able to test immediately, but if problems arise, there may be a delay. When you register for testing online, you will be sent emailed instructions to access all of the placement tests, but you should only access the tests you are advised to take (from above). FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS GIVEN TO YOU!

Two options for testing:
1. Online, unproctored at your own convenience.
2. Paper/pencil on campus if you do not have internet/computer access.

What if I need special accommodations?
To request accommodations due to a disability on the University of Wisconsin placement tests, please follow these instructions:
Do not register for the placement tests online until you have emailed the information below and received a response from the Center for Placement Testing in Madison. Email the following information to Tim O’Connor at

  • Name
  • Email address you will use for placement testing registration
  • Date of birth
  • Campus you are planning to attend
  • Accommodations being requested
  • Documentation verifying the disability and need for the accommodations. This should be either a letter on high school letterhead from your counselor or someone else at the school familiar with your accommodations stating what those accommodations have been for tests such as the ACT or a current 504 plan or IEP (Individualized Education Plan). The 504 plan or IEP must be from within the last three years.

This process is completed electronically, so it is very important to list an accurate email address and one that you will check regularly.

Can I use a calculator?
You may use a non-graphing calculator. Graphing calculators are not allowed.

When will I receive my test results?
Students are notified of their results and placement level when they meet with their advisor for GB Orientation.

For a study guide and contents of the placement tests, please click here:

Any questions pertaining to Regional Placement Testing should be directed to:

UW-Green Bay contact: Pam Gilson at or 920-465-2221

Last updated: January 30, 2024