Sustainability Committee
For The Greener good
Collaboration without borders.
Sustainability is a noble intention, and it's the Sustainability Committee's mission to bring those intentions to reality. Through the combined efforts of scholars, staff, students and anyone else dedicated to balancing our present needs with tomorrow's demands.

Sustainability Committee Charge
Building upon the historical foundation of Eco-U, this committee continues to expand the culture of sustainability awareness and behaviors across our entire four-campus community. While our focus is the environmental aspect of sustainability, we recognize how it is connected with social primary, cultural, economic, and justice aspects of sustainability and strive to support these as well.
What We Do
The Sustainability Committee at UW-Green Bay exists to:
- Advise the director of the Office of Sustainability and report annually to the Chancellor.
- Guide sustainability efforts at the University by establishing priorities and supporting projects to improve sustainability.
- Identify strategic opportunities to integrate sustainable practices into operational, educational and residential programs and processes, working collaboratively with faculty, staff, students and the community.
- Leverage available financial resources while seeking new financial resources to achieve identified goals.
- Support faculty efforts to embed sustainability concepts and teaching across the curriculum.
- Advise the Office of Sustainability in the compilation of the STARS report.
- Support planning and promoting of Earth Week.
What Membership Looks Like
The Committee will be comprised of members of the University community who express an interest in environmental sustainability and/or hold a position that encompasses elements of sustainability. A quorum will consist of one more than half of the voting membership. Typically, this will include:
- The Chancellor’s Cabinet Liaison for Internal Affairs.
- Up to 6 appointed representatives from areas such as Academic Affairs, Facilities, University Union, Marketing and University Communications, Residence Life, the Office of Sustainability, Information Technology and Purchasing.
- At least one current UW-Green Bay student.
- Community members with expertise and interest in sustainability.
- Faculty, Academic and University Staff from each of the main Colleges with expertise and/or interest in sustainability.
- A faculty or staff member from each of the four campus locations.
The Committee will:
- Elect its own members, including the staff members who are appointed by their supervisors. Faculty members typically serve for three years, while appointed members typically serve until replaced by their supervisors.
- Create standing subcommittees which may include members from outside of the Committee.
- Elect the chairperson who is a faculty member, with the approval of the Chancellor. The chair will serve a three-year, uninterrupted term and may, with the approval of the Chancellor, receive a course reassignment or other compensation if undertaking special projects.
Who We Are
Our Sustainability Committee members are:

- John Arendt, Director of the Environmental Management and Business Institute & Sustainability Director
- Jeffrey Jacobs, Chief Facilities Officer
- Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges, Professor of Psychology
- Holly Keener, Assistant to the Dean, Cofrin School of Business
- Carly Kibbe, Associate Professor of Human Biology & Biology
- Adam Neveau, Associate Director for Residential Education
- Michael Shaw, Marketing Content Writer, University Communications
- Matt Suwalski, Executive Director of University Union & Auxiliary Services
- Vallari Chandna, Professor of Management
- Brittany Maas, Assistant Teaching Professor of Social Work
- Derrick Waddick, Student Member, SGA Environmental Affairs Chair

Questions? Comments?
Daniela Beall (our Sustainability Coordinator) has a skill-set that includes strategic planning, data collection, reporting, supervising and collaborating with students, faculty, staff and anyone else with a "go green" point of view.