College Tasks
Get it Done!
Take care of the small actions, so you can focus on the great.
College is exciting! But student life comes with responsibilities. Each task you complete is a stepping stone bringing you closer to your goal. This page will point you in the right direction for registration and course info, checking grades, declaring your major and more. Still need help?

What needs Doing?
Common college tasks that students must address.
Class Registration
Plan your next semester early so you can register as soon as you are able. If you delay, classes you need may fill up.
Registration Problems
Degree Path
Taking the right courses in sequence is very important to graduating on time.
Grades & Records
Understand your grades, get proof of enrollment and make updates to your student contact information.
Money Matters?
Paying for college is such an important part of student success that it has its own page.

Want to Know More?
You're going to have questions along the way. We have your back! Contact the Student Services Center with any of your next steps or concerns.