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OrgSmorg Information


Wednesday, September 11 from 3-6 PM in Phoenix Park

OrgSmorg is the Student Organizational Fair. OrgSmorg is the very best and easiest way to get connected, meet people and have fun!

Drop in at OrgSmorg to talk with representatives from various student organizations. People like you who have an interest, curiosity, or passion for things as diverse as feeding the hungry, conserving the environment, learning dance moves, learning more about and supporting diversity and equity, fraternity and sorority life, club level sports (between varsity level and intramural level), exploring academic subjects, engaging in role playing games, and lots, lots more.

If you are are a student organization leader needing to reserve an OrgSmorg table, click here.
Want to learn more about our 100+ student organizations? Check out the Student Organization Directory within Phoenix Connect by clicking here.

Interested in starting a brand new student organization?

We make that as easy as can be! First, make sure that one does not already exist. (check out the Student Organization Directory). Next, you will need a total of four students to start your organization (at minimum 1 President, 1 Vice President, and two members), 1 on campus Advisor, and a constitution. Fill out the Organization Registration form on Phoenix Connect here. Questions contact Stephanie Kaponya at