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Student Engagement

Unlock Your Full
Phoenix Experience

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Students attend outdoor concert on campus

Go Beyond the Books

The complete college experience: friends, fun and finding yourself.

Immerse yourself in new interests, forge lasting friendships and evolve personally. How? Dive into student life! Become an inclusive part of the UW-Green Bay family, where every Phoenix feels welcomed, valued and empowered.

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Take your college experience to new heights by attending events.

Attend Our Events


Work with us to put on events and create a vibrant student experience.

Get Involved


As Phoenix, we're committed to enhancing our community connections and providing service to our local communities.

Give Back

More Ways to Engage

Get out there and discover new avenues to enrich your journey and make your mark on campus.

Students at org smorg
Student Organizations

From Crochet Club to Eco-friendly Phoenix to the Social Work Association, there's an organization for you. You'll get social, service and professional opportunities within the university and the community.

Find Your Place

Two girls form heart with hands
Fraternity & Sorority Life

Make friends, give back to your community, show your Phoenix pride, find leadership opportunities—joining a fraternity or sorority helps create your home away from home.

Make New Connections

Student Government Association students host meeting
Student Government Association

Become an active participant on campus to protect the rights of you and your peers by joining the Student Government Association.

Empower Our Campus

Three students give a thumbs up
Commuter Student Services

Even though you don't live on campus, there are still ways to get involved. Commuter Student Services makes sure our commuters have a relaxing space on campus to catch up on T.V., play video games, do homework—even take a nap.

Access Services

Group of students pose but I love Green Bay sculpture
Center for Civic Engagement

Through programs and resources provided by the center, you can learn how to make a difference in your community be an effective agent of change.

Get Involved in Your Community

Students give phoenix hands at UW-Green Bay graduation

This is it: the culmination of your education. You did it! Commencement serves to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments.

Congrats, Grad!

Recognizing Our Students

Each semester, we honor students who achieved academic success and showed excellence in campus and community involvement.

Nominate Someone!

Larissa Maciel de Oliveira

Meet a

"Making new friends and starting new things in life are really scary for everyone. My advice is to start slowly and focus on the things you really like. Start by becoming a member of a student organization that focuses on a subject that you love or attend an event that is about something you like."

Larissa Maciel de Oliveira '27
Events Assistant for Good Times Programming, President of the International Club | Graphic Design Major

Connect with Us!

We exist to help you find your place at UW-Green Bay. Meet new friends at an event like bingo night, find leadership opportunities with a student organization, get involved in your community by volunteering and most of all, have fun.

Upcoming Events

World Dinner Night
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Katie Lesperance

Let's Connect!

Want to know more about getting involved on campus? Get in touch with our team, like Katie Lesperance, Director of Student Engagement.

Contact Us