Alternative Testing
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides alternative testing for students who are eligible and request the accommodation. Alternative testing accommodations could include extended time for testing, testing in a distraction-reduced environment, use of computer for adaptive software, CCTV and text enlargement, to name some of the more common requests.

New to SAS?
If you are new to SAS and have not applied yet, you must complete the online application to apply for accommodations.
How to Schedule Exams & Quizzes
For instructions how to schedule a test, quiz or final exam on GB Access, follow the step-by-step guide.
Tips for Students
Below are some helpful tips to follow while using your testing accommodations.
- Schedule quizzes and exams early. Quizzes and exams need to be scheduled three business days ahead, and your final exams five business days ahead. Any late exam scheduling cannot be guaranteed.
- Try out approved assistive/adaptive technology. It is helpful to use your assistive technology before your exam, so you are more familiar with it.
- Remind instructors about your alternative test accommodations. It is important to communicate with your faculty about using your testing accommodations.
- Show up on time to take the exam. Any time lost due to being late will not be added back into the exam time.
- Check that the amount of time given is correct. BEFORE beginning exams on Canvas, be sure the amount of time allowed is correct.
- Select your Accommodations each semester. You will need to log in to GB Access and select your accommodations for each class at the beginning of every term. Feel free to contact SAS if you have any questions about how to do so.

Want to Know More?
Jaime Miller and the SAS team are here to help with your alternative testing needs.