Alternative Formats
Alternative formats are provided for students who need access to written information. Alternative formats can include large print, digital, audio and braille.

Digital Textbooks
Digital textbooks or e-text are electronic versions of books and course materials that you can read on a computer, tablet or mobile device. They provide greater accessibility and flexibility than traditional print materials and have features that make them more accessible to students with disabilities. You can also download them to a mobile device and take them with you wherever you go. Using digital textbooks and e-texts can enhance your learning experience and provide greater accessibility to course materials.
How to request an alternative format
First, check to see if the textbook is available as a digital format through the Phoenix Bookstore. The Phoenix Bookstore provides many books in e-text or digital format.
If your book or course materials are not available in the alternative format needed, you will need to submit your alternative format accommodation request in GB Access. If you are not registered for Student Accessibility Services (SAS), please apply for academic accommodations.
Submit request for a digital book
Once your application for this accommodation has been approved, follow the steps below to request alternative format materials.
- Log in to GB Access.
- Click on the Alternative Format Tab, under My Accommodations tab.
- Identify the materials that need alternative formats.
- Submit your alternative format requests in GB Access.
- Submit your receipts or proof of purchase in GB Access.
- Review your alternative format requests and their status in GB Access under LIST BOOKS CURRENTLY BEING PROCESSED FOR (TERM).

Want to Know More?
Have questions about alternative formats? Kim Mezger and the rest of the SAS team can help point you in the right direction.