About Student Accessibility Services
Providing Equal
UW-Green Bay exists to provide access to all who want to learn.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) understands that college can be an exciting and challenging time for students. It's important to know that there are resources available to help students with disabilities succeed.

About SAS
Student Accessibility Services, or SAS, views disability as an important aspect of the diversity of UW-Green Bay, and is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive educational experience for students. We do this by partnering with students, faculty and staff to provide academic accommodations, so student can engage, explore and participate on our campus.
Who We Serve
SAS works with over 350 students annually, providing academic and housing accommodations to students with disabilities.
Any student who has a diagnosed disability that significantly impacts one or more major life activities can apply for SAS services.
Student Employees
Students who are also UW-Green Bay employees (e.g. student hourly, work study, teaching assistant) can request employee accommodations through Human Resources.
Faculty and instructional academic staff can contact SAS to discuss any faculty notification letter or concern about accessibility in their course.
Types of Disabilities
SAS serves many different types of disabilities. The majority are invisible disabilities, which mean they are not apparent by meeting an individual. Here are examples major types of disabilities we serve. The list is not exclusive; if you have a disability not listed, please contact us.
- Psychological Disorders (anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar, OCD, etc.)
- Learning disabilities
- Health Conditions (migraines, Crohn’s, seizure disorders, diabetes, etc.)
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Brain Injuries
- Mobility and/or Physical Disabilities
- Hearing Disabilities
- Vision Disabilities
Our Policies
In order to fairly provide equitable accommodations to students with disabilities, we must adhere to policies.

Want to Know More?
Lynn Niemi and the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) team strive to help students with disabilities reach their full potential by providing academic accommodations and support services.