Syllabus Examples
Every course needs to have a syllabus statement to identify the process for requesting accommodations due to a disability. Below are two sample statements regarding accommodations to include in your course syllabus. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding what information should be included in your syllabus.
Syllabus Example #1
UW-Green Bay supports the right of all enrolled students to a full and equal educational opportunity. Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities is a shared faculty and student responsibility. If you need any academic accommodation due to a disability, you must self-identify and register with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Office. To register, you will need to complete an online application (GB Access) on the Student Accessibility Services website. GB Access empowers you to request accommodations that would best support your learning in each class. Your request will be sent electronically to the SAS Office for review, approval and dissemination to faculty. Accommodations are not automatically available for each class, each term and do not go into effect until the request through GB Access process is complete. Please contact the SAS office if you have any questions about the accommodation process or our role in supporting your learning. Once your request has been sent, the faculty, SAS office, and you can work together to ensure you have equal access. Location of SAS: Student Services Room 1700; Phone: (920) 456-2841; Email: and Website:
Syllabus Example #2
UW-Green Bay requires that students with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. Qualified students with disabilities who will require accommodations in this class are encouraged to make their requests through the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office and communicate with that office as soon as possible. Note: Prior to receiving accommodations, verification of eligibility from SAS is required. Disability information is confidential. Students can find the application for services at or in SAS Office, Student Services Building, room 1700.

Need More Info?
Have questions about syllabus requirements? Jaime Miller and the rest of the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) team can help point you in the right direction.