Begin your journey and earn a degree in Spanish and Latin American Studies. Comience tu viaje y y obtiene una educación en español y estudios latinoamericanos y en estudios hispánicos..
¿Cuánto cuesta?
UW-Green Bay has been ranked as one of the best colleges nationally for best value by College Factual in 2022.
Declare Your Major
Declare your major. The sooner, the better. Your advisor will make sure everything is in order and help you declare.
¡Asiste a clases!
Complete your coursework. Follow the curriculum guide in the course catalog to earn all the credits you need for your major.
You Can Do It, We Can Help
We’re behind you with full support teams like, financial aid, wellness center and phoenix life to guarantee a fun, worthwhile and healthy college experience.
Complete Internships in Our Community
Because of partnerships with local organizations and the demand for Spanish speakers in our community, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get internship experience.
Two Words: "You're Hired!"
84% of our programs graduates since 2014 have found their first jobs in Wisconsin. That’s because there’s a high demand for Spanish speakers in the state.

We Are Here to Help
Meet your academic advisor for our program, Trevor Knitter. He is your guide on the journey to your degree.