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Entering, Editing & Submitting Grades

At the end of each semester, faculty are given access to Grade Rosters within the Student Information System to enter their students' final grades. Grade Rosters are generated during the last week of the class session. Once the grade rosters are generated, grades are posted twice daily (once in the morning and once in the afternoon) by the Registrar's Office. All grades are due 96 hours after the final exam.

Keep in mind that it is not necessary to process all grades at one time. You have the ability to save whatever grades you have entered at any point in time and go back in later to enter more grades.

Note: SIS is unavailable from 3:00 am to 4:00am daily for backups. If you are in the system when backups start, you will be logged out and will lose any grades you've entered that haven't been saved.

After logging on to the Student Information System, follow these steps to process your grades:

  • Make sure that a grade roster has been created for the class you want to grade.

    If no roster has been created, contact the Registrar's Office for assistance at 920-465-2657.

  • Once the roster has been created, click on the Grade Roster icon next to the class you want to access.

    If you would like to send final grades from the Canvas gradebook to SIS, please use these instructions on the UWGB Knowledge Base: Sending Final Grades to SIS.

  • The roster lists students alphabetically by last name. Enter the grade in the Roster Grade column by clicking the drop-down box. The drop-down box lists all the acceptable grade choices for each student. Not all students are registered under the same grading basis. Most students/classes are the standard GRD grading basis. A, AB, B, etc. Other students/classes may be P/NP (pass/no pass) which, strangely enough, has grades of P and NC (for no credit). More information on P/NP and Audit grading basis, see the grading policy and audit enrollment page in the catalog.

  • If a student has chosen to use a Preferred Name you will see that name displayed on the grade roster.
  • If you were looking to assign the same grade for all students, you do have the ability to assign one grade in mass to all students enrolled by Select All. If you utilize this option, you still retain the ability to edit individual grades (ex. 15 students earned an 'A', 2 earned a 'B'). You can also use the check boxes to select a group of students and then use the ←add this grade to selected students button (if there are mixed grading basis students it only works with GRD).

  • The following is the listing of grades available for regular GRD students when you click on the grade drop down box:

  • These are the grades for P/NP and Audit grading basis students:

  • INC stands for Incomplete. When you enter a grade of INC for a student the Official Grade will display as "N". An INC grade requires that faculty submit an Incomplete Grade Form at

  • NC means No Credit (grade of less than "C". P means Passing (grade of "C" or better). "WF" is Unofficial Withdrawal. While this grade has the same effect on GPA as "F" it indicates that the student stopped attending class. "S" is Satisfactory audit and "U" is Unsatisfactory audit.

    Once the Registrar's Office receives the Incomplete Grade Form the grade will be changed to "I" on the student's record. The grade will lapse to an "F" at the end of the following regular semester unless you do a grade change in SIS or contact the Registrar's Office regarding the grade change (spring & summer incompletes are due at the end of the following fall semester, fall and interim incompletes are due at the end of the following spring semester).

    If you are entering grades for a large class it is always a good idea to save your grades periodically so you don't lose any of your work. To save your work click on the 'save' button located at the bottom of the page. You'll also need to save when you are finished entering grades.

  • After you have entered grades use the drop-down arrow next to Approval Status, select Approved and then click Save located next to the drop down menu box. Choosing a status other than Approved (i.e. Ready for Review or Not Reviewed) will result in the grade posting process NOT updating the grade on the student record. Note: All students must have a valid grade entered before the status can be changed to Approved.

    After saving the Approved status, your screen should look similar to the one shown below with the Grade Input column completed and Official Grade column empty.

  • The Official Grade column will become populated after the grade posting process updates the students' records, which is how you know the students can see their grade.

  • If you need to change a grade after the roster has been posted return to the Grade Roster screen for the affected class.

  • Look in the Official Grade column, select the correct grade for the student(s) to be changed and press submit.

  • You'll know it's saved when you see Success.

    Then click on Return to Grade Roster.

  • The student's grade is now officially changed.

  • You have the option now to notify the student(s) directly from SIS.