Custom Training
We Bring the
Experts to You
Get customized corporate professional development, leadership and management training.
Whether it’s employees to train or leadership development training for your emerging leaders, our business experts at UW-Green Bay Small Business Development Center will work with you. We design training to precisely meet your business needs.

Customized Objectives & Outcomes
Together we can determine the core competencies important to achieve your business’s goals and strategic direction. Focusing on training topics like communication, leadership, customer service or performance management will enable your organization to meet the real-world objectives that are a priority to your business. With customized training, each course will vary, and the topics can be delivered as stand-alone training courses or in a series over a specified period of time.
Example Topics
We can develop training to meet your needs. Below are examples of customized training topics.
- Conflict De-escalation & Resolution
- Business Writing
- Dealing with Difficult Customers
- Negotiation Skills
- Problem Solving & Decision Making
- Social Media for the Workplace
- Team Building & Bonding
Customer Service
- Face-to-Face, Telephone & Online Professionalism
- Corporate & Business Etiquette
- Building a Sales Team
- Culinary & Hospitality
- Email Professionalism
- Coaching & Mentoring
for Improved Performance - Change Management
- Emotional Intelligence
- Management Skills Building
- New Supervisor Training
- Effective Delegation
Performance Management
- Accountability in the Workplace
- Effective Hiring & Interviewing Practices
- Employee Engagement & Retention
- Managing & Maximizing the Multiple Generations in the Workplace
- Professionalism & Work Ethic
Other Relevant Topics
- Cybersecurity
- Strategic Planning
- Goal Setting
- Motivation
- Disc® Profiles

Tell Us What You need.
Additional topics and content can be tailored to meet your business needs. For more information on customized professional development, contact the Small Business Development Center at (920) 366-9065.
The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Office of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Universities of Wisconsin. It is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the SBDC office at UW-Green Bay at or call 920-366-9065.