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Business & Leadership Articles
Our curated collection of articles offers a wealth of knowledge to help you thrive in today's competitive landscape. From fostering effective communication to understanding the nuances of motivation and recovery from setbacks, each piece offers actionable strategies and thought-provoking perspectives to empower you on your journey towards success. Explore topics such as staffing strategies, conflict resolution, cultural impacts and the enduring value of a well-crafted business plan.
Avoiding Conflict Can Often Cause Conflict
When mentoring young managers, typically the most difficult skill to develop is dealing with conflict and having the conflict result in a positive outcome.
Create Staffing Strategy to Find the Right Fit
Finding the right staff can make or break a business. It is necessary to align employees with the company mission. More importantly, hire a leader that also has the same personal and ethical values as the organization.
Eliminating Communication Silos within the Organization
The traditional organization structure has changed with technology advancements. The vastness of the global business model and the overwhelming speed of technology has created new communication challenges within many organizations.
Improving Relationships Through Conversation
Whether you are extroverted or introverted, the key to good conversation is caring about other people and taking a genuine interest in that person. Social confidence is a skill that can be learned and improved upon.
Is Writing a Business Plan Still of Value?
Why have a business plan? Very simply…do the research before spending thousands, or tens of thousands, of dollars or possibly bankruptcy to find out your business idea was wrong or perhaps just a hobby. As an entrepreneur, wouldn’t you want to maximize your chances of being successful and do everything possible to make that happen?
Managers Versus Leaders: The Debate Continues
We use the terms "manager" and "leader" interchangeably, but are they? There are differences between a leader and a manager. Managers monitor and manage the day-to-day work, utilize their power and control to get work completed, and carry out functions such as planning, leading, organizing and controlling. Leaders set the vision, develop, motivate and inspire people.
Motivating by the Pain Pleasure Principle
The pain pleasure principle suggests that while seeking pleasure, people will also seek to avoid pain. Individuals associating conflict with pain will do anything to avoid conflict. Allowing a negative situation to continue might be unhealthy and painful, but the thought of dealing with the conflict is far more painful.
Motivation Under Pressure Demands
The goal of satisfying needs is ever-changing because an individual’s wants and needs continue to evolve and transform on a consistent basis. As a result, staying motivated can be a challenge.
Recovering From a Scrubbed Project
Moving forward from a cancelled project can be challenging for those that dedicated time, energy and emotional investments. The leader needs to remain calm, emotionally balanced and be sensitive to the team members’ reactions to the nixed project.
The Impacts of Culture and Human Behavior in the Workplace
There are two very important factors to consider regarding communication in the workplace: human behavior and culture. It is vital for leaders to understand human psychology regarding how people think, behave and respond in situations.
The Value of Education
As a professional adult, it is a difficult decision on whether or not to complete the unfinished degree or continue on to a graduate degree. The choice to return to college is a time and financial burden on both the individual and the family. The impact of returning to college as an adult diminishes personal free-time and any social life. Conversely, the benefits to completing a degree are tenfold.
Writing a Valuable Business Plan
The Small Business Development Center at UW-Green Bay works with entrepreneurs in developing strong business plans. From a big picture, macro perspective, a strong business plan has three sections: marketing, operations and financing.
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The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Office of Business & Entrepreneurship in the Universities of Wisconsin. It is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the SBDC office at UW-Green Bay at or call 920-366-9065.