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Youth Protection

Protecting minors on campus is not just a good idea, it’s part of Wi. Stat. 48.981 and the Clery Act. The Universities of Wisconsin Policy 625 Youth Protection and Compliance became effective March 2023 and sets minimum standards to protect minors on our campus. It is the SRCs role to implement this policy on campus and equip departments with the tools they need to ensure the protection of all minor’s visiting UWGB.  To ensure compliance of this policy, the UWGB Youth Activities SOP is required to be followed for all youth activities.

Participating with Minors?Hosting a Youth Event, Camp or Clinic?

If you are considering serving at an UWGB event that will have minors, work with the activity Sponsor or Program Facilitator to coordinate your training and background check prior to the event. At a minimum, employees, staff, or volunteers participating with minors during youth activities will:

If you are considering coordinating an event with minor participants, you are required to follow the UWGB Youth Activities SOP.  These guidelines ensure all youth activities follow University policy.

Local School Agreements

UWGB has agreements in place with various local schools to ensure youth protections are followed at our campus.  Review the list below for verification of an active agreement before extending an invitation to a school.  If one is in place, request school complete the School Activity Worksheet to document the activity details.  

Program Support

For questions or assistance in this coordinating a youth activity, contact our campus Pre-College Liaison at  You may also contact the Camps & Youth Programs Office to consider how they can support your event.   Other Resources include:

UWGB Youth Activities SOPCamp Operations Guide
Event Checklist Matrix
CampDoc-Staff Guide
CampDoc-User Guide
CampDoc Admin Guide
Incident Reporting Form
Volunteer Matters Staff User Guide
Volunteer Matters Volunteer User Guide
Youth Agreement
Youth Agreement Minor Staff
Youth Agreement Limited No CBC
YARS Staff User Guide

Reporting Incidents

All incidents are to be reported immediately following the Camp Operations Guide, that includes the Incident Reporting Form and any Title IX incidents using the Employee Making a Report form.