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Green Bay Area Public Schools: Self-Pay

A New kind of
college prep

Get a head start on college while in high school.

The Rising Phoenix Early College High School Program is an innovative collaboration between the Green Bay Area Public School District and UW-Green Bay to provide promising high school students an opportunity to get a head start on college by earning their high school diploma and a two-year Associate of Arts and Sciences (AAS) degree. 

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Student Benefits

Many students and their families have questions about Rising Phoenix. We share the answers to the most common questions we receive. Check out our FAQs for Students page. If you need to share this information in Spanish or another language, please use Google Translate.

Student Success Coach

Students will work individually with a Student Success Coach and their school counselor. The Coach will provide academic and social-emotional support and advise on course selection, major/career exploration, and transition planning upon graduation.  

Shared Cost

Costs will be shared between families and the district. College credit coursework taken within the high school will be at no cost to the student.  See all anticipated costs to the family below.

Flexible Schedules

Flexible class schedules will be developed in order to fit individual student needs, allowing for students to continue to engage in extracurricular activities. Students will be enrolled in college courses at their high school, online and/or in-person at UW-Green Bay, pending proximity and access to transportation to campus. 

Learn Together

Students will have the opportunity to learn and grow together, such as having the option to enroll in the same First Year Seminar course, as well as other coursework.


UW-Green Bay’s Accessibility Services Office will help students with a documented disability (IEP, 504), with academic accommodations.

Concurrent Graduation

Through the program, students will concurrently fulfill their high school graduation requirements and UW-Green Bay’s Associate of Arts and Sciences degree requirements at the same time.

About the AAS Degree

An Associate of Arts and Sciences (AAS) Degree requires students to complete 60 college credits that include general education courses and an area of emphasis. With an AAS degree, you have essentially completed the first two years of a bachelor’s degree! You can either continue with UW-Green Bay or transfer to another 4-year college or university where your general education requirements will likely be completed. Students are also able to jump right into the workforce with an AAS degree. Learn more about the AAS Degree.

Cost Info

Rising Phoenix students may take a variety of courses at a reduced tuition rate through UW-Green Bay in pursuit of the Associate of Arts and Sciences (AAS) degree. Students may also take transcribed credit courses through other colleges at their high school that will transfer to UW-Green Bay. 

Course TypeDescriptionPer Credit Costs
Early College Credit Program (ECCP)*The school district covers the cost for 18 ECCP credits through the state legislated program.  Students take UW-Green Bay courses on campus or online with other college students. School may apply for a 25% reimbursement from the State if they are covering the costs. 
$128.65 per credit + textbook costs

College Credit in High School (CCIHS)College courses taught at the high school by high school teachers approved as UW-Green Bay instructors. Courses available vary by high school.
NO COST to GBAPS students
Dual Enrollment Access AcademyOnline courses taught by UW-Green Bay instructors, open only to high school students.  
$200.00 per credit + textbook costs

* Per state legislation, school districts cover a minimum of 18 ECCP credits per eligible student. The Associate of Arts & Sciences Degree requires a total of 60 credits. The school district will invoice the family for their costs in Fall, Spring, and Summer, upon receipt of the invoice from UW-Green Bay.  

Upon admission to the program, families must complete the district's cost agreement form.

Projected Total Costs- Year 1

Year 1
College Credit Load
Anticipated Course Types
District Cost
 18 ECCP Credits
Family Cost
Fall 202512 credits2 CCIHS, 2 ECCP, 1 HS$771.90$0
January Interim 20263 credits1 ECCP$385.95$0
Spring 202612-15 credits2 CCIHS, 3 ECCP, 1 HS$1157.85$0
Summer 20263 credits1 ECCP$0$385.95
TOTALS:30 credits total
$2315.70 + textbooks$385.95 + textbooks

Projected Total Costs- Year 2

Year 2
College Credit Load
Anticipated Course Types
District Cost
 18 ECCP Credits
Family Cost
Fall 202612 credits1 CCIHS, 4 ECCP$0$1543.80
January Interim 20273 credits1 ECCP$0$385.95
Spring 202712-15 credits5 ECCP$0$1929.75
TOTALS:30 credits total
$0$3859.50 + textbooks
Anticipated Cost to the Family for the AAS Degree/60 Credits: 
$4245.45 + Textbooks*

This opportunity would result in A COST SAVINGS of over $10,000 in tuition alone for the family, given the discounted tuition rate while the student is in high school, the 18 ECCP credits covered by the school district, AND the wide range of college coursework available within the high school at NO COST to the students!

* Textbooks typically range from $600-800/year for a full-time student.  UW-Green Bay will order all textbooks for ECCP and Dual Enrollment Acces Academy coursework and have the supplies shipped to students' homes. Additional costs may include student ID, parking permit for Green Bay campus, and official college transcripts. 

Eligibility Criteria

Students apply as sophomores and are enrolled in the program as juniors and seniors.

UW-Green Bay will facilitate a holistic admissions process, assessing students individually based on academic and personal backgrounds. We are looking for students who have shown the maturity, academic readiness, and a genuine desire to succeed in college. Rising Phoenix is designed to support students traditionally underrepresented in higher education.

Students must meet the following requirements:
  • Currently enrolled in 10th Grade at a Green Bay Area Public School District High School.
  • 3.0 cumulative GPA or above encouraged, however, if student has a 2.75-2.99 GPA, they will also be considered. Ensure essay and teacher/counselor recommendations address any GPA or attendance concerns.
  • Demonstration of academic excellence or college readiness
  • School attendance
  • Recommendations by high school teachers and school counselors
  • Expression of interest in an early college opportunity

Application Steps

Below are the steps students take towards admission into the Rising Phoenix Program.  The priority application deadline is April 16, 2025. Note that the 3 steps don't need to be completed in the order they are listed. Once we receive any materials (application, teacher rec, and/or transcripts/attendance records), we will start an application file for you! 


Student Application

Complete the application by clicking "apply now" below. An essay, student and parent/guardian expectations and FERPA forms are required. See a list of essay questions

Apply Now


Teacher Recs

Two teacher recommendations are required, one in a core subject area (English/language arts, math, social studies, science).

Students, please share the link below with the teachers that you have asked to serve as a reference for you.

Teacher Rec


Student Transcripts & Attendance Record

Your high school will provide these documents to UW-Green Bay. Connect with your school counselor to see how your school handles this step.

The priority application deadline is Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at 11:59pm.

***Upon admission to the program, families must complete the district's cost agreement form.

Have Questions?

Contact Aubrey Schramm, Executive Director of Early College Programs at

EMAIL aubrey