Course Alignment Guide
Dual Credit Courses with UW-Green Bay are a great way to get a jump start on requirements in higher education while also completing items needed for high school graduation!
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Learn how our courses meet high school graduation requirements. Below you will find a guide that lists popular course names, hyperlinks to our course catalog with course descriptions, and our recommendations for their equivalencies at the high school level. Ultimately, each high school has the authority to determine how the course aligns at their district. These suggestions are based on arrangements we have in place with districts across the state.
If you have any questions about how to enroll in a college course while still in high school, contact us at
UW-Green Bay Course | AAS Requirements & Credits* | High School Requirements & Credits |
ACCOUNTING 201: Principles of Financial Accounting | Quantitative Literacy - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ACCOUNTING 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ANTHROPOLGY 100: Varieties of World Culture | Global Culture, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History) - .75 Credit |
ART 102: History of the Visual Arts: Ancient to Medieval | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 103: History of the Visual Arts II: Renaissance to Modern | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 105: Introductory Drawing | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 106: Three-Dimensional Design | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 107: Two Dimensional Design | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 202: Modern Art | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 203: Contemporary Art | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ART 243: Introduction to Photography | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ARTS MANAGEMENT 256: Understanding the Arts | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
BIOLOGY 201/202: Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes & Lab | Biological Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - 1 credit |
BIOLOGY 203/204: Principles of Biology: Organisms, Ecology, and Evolution | Biological Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - 1 credit |
BIOLOGY 323/324: Principles of Microbiology & Lab | Biological Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - 1 credit |
BUSINESS ANALYTICS 220: Business Statistics | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 3 Credits | Math - .75 Credit |
BUSINESS ANALYTICS 230: Spreadsheet and Information Systems | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 202: Introduction to Business | Social Science - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 206: Law and the Individual | Social Science - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
CHEMISTRY 108/109: Survey of General, Organic, and Biochemistry & Lab | Natural Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - 1 Credit |
CHEMISTRY 168: Sustainability Chemistry | Sustainability Perspectives - 3 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - .75 Credit |
CHEMISTRY 207: Laboratory Safety | Elective/Area of Study - 1 Credit | Elective - .25 Credit |
CHEMISTRY 211/213: Principles of Chemistry I & Lab | Natural Science & Lab or Quantitative Literacy - 5 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - 1.25 Credits |
CHEMISTRY 212/214: Principles of Chemistry II & Lab | Natural Science & Lab or Quantitative Literacy - 5 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - 1.25 Credits |
COMMUNICATION 102: Introduction to Communication | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
COMMUNICATION 133: Fundamentals of Public Address | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
COMMUNICATION 166: Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
COMMUNICATION 185: Business & Media Writing | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
COMMUNITY SCIENCES 198: First Year Seminar | First Year Seminar & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
COMPUTER SCIENCE 201: Introduction to Computing & Internet Technologies | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
COMPUTER SCIENCE 221: Database Design & Management | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
COMPUTER SCIENCE 231: Introduction to IT Operations | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
COMPUTER SCIENCE 256: Introduction to Software Design | Elective/Area of Study - 4 Credits | Elective - 1 Credit |
DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE STUDIES 101: Introduction to Democracy & Justice Studies | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE STUDIES 204: Freedom & Social Control | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE STUDIES 221: American Law in Historical Perspective | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or US History)- .75 Credits |
DESIGN ARTS 131: Introduction to Design & Culture | Sustainability Perspectives - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ECONOMICS 102: Economics of the Modern World | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
ECONOMICS 202: Macro Economic Analysis | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
ECONOMICS 203: Micro Economic Analysis | Social Science, Quantitative Literacy- 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
EDUCATION 206: Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning | Ethnic Studies, Social Science & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
EDUCATION 208: Concepts and Issues in Field Experience | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
EDUCATION 281: Concept Found Elem Math I | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 3 Credits | Math - .75 Credit |
ENGINEERING 104: Engineering Graphics | Elective/Area of Study - 1 Credit | Elective - .25 Credit |
ENGINEERING 202: Introduction to Smart Cities | Sustainability Perspectives - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ENGINEERING 236: Technical Writing | Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGINEERING 260: Engineering Ethics | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 101: Fundamentals of Engineering Technology | Elective/Area of Study - 2 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 142: Introduction to Programming | Elective/Area of Study - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 206: Chemistry for Engineers w/Lab | Natural Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - 1 Credit |
ENGLISH 104: Introduction to Literature | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 206: Women in Literature | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 212: Introduction to Creative Writing | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 214: Introduction to English Literature I | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 215: Introduction to English Literature II | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 216: Introduction to American Literature I | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 217: Introduction to American Literature II | Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 218: World Literatures I | Global Culture, Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 219: World Literatures II | Global Culture, Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 236: Multicultural American Literature | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
ENGLISH 264: Special Topics | Humanities & Writing Emphasis | English - .75 Credit |
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING 102: Environment & Society | Sustainability, Social Science - 3 Credits | Electives - .75 Credit |
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 102/103: Introduction to Environmental Science | Natural Science (102) & Lab (103) - 3 or 4 Credits | Science (Physical or Elective) - .75 or 1 Credit |
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 260: Energy & Society | Sustainability Perspectives - 3 Credits | Science (Physical or Elective) - .75 or 1 Credit |
FINANCE 282: Personal Financial Planning | Social Science - 3 Credits | Financial Literacy - .75 Credit |
FIRST NATIONS STUDIES 210: American Indians In Film | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Humanities, Sustainability Perspective - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
FIRST NATIONS STUDIES 225: Introduction to First Nations Studies: The Tribal World | Ethnic Studies, Sustainability - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
FRENCH 202: Intermediate French Language II | Global Culture - 3 Credits | World Language/Elective - .75 Credit |
GEOGRAPHY 102: World Regions and Concepts: A Geographic Analysis | Global Culture, Social Science- 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
GEOGRAPHY 209: Landscapes of North America | Natural Science & Sustainability Perspective - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
GEOGRAPHY 210: Human Geography and Concepts | Quantitative Literacy, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History ) - .75 Credit |
GEOGRAPHY 211: American Ethnic Minorities | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
GEOSCIENCE 202: Physical Geology | Natural Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - 1 Credit |
GEOSCIENCE 222/223: Ocean of Air: Weather & Climate | Natural Science & Lab - 3 or 4 Credits | Science (Physical or Elective) - .75 or 1 Credit |
HISTORY 101: Foundations of Western Culture I | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History ) - .75 Credit |
HISTORY 102: Foundations of Western Culture II | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History ) - .75 Credit |
HISTORY 103: World Civilizations I | Global Culture, Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History ) - .75 Credit |
HISTORY 104: World Civilizations II | Global Culture, Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History) - .75 Credit |
HISTORY 205: American History to 1865 | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History) - .75 Credit |
HISTORY 206: History of the United States from 1865 to the Present | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History) - .75 Credit |
HISTORY 207: Intro to African American History | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or World History) - .75 Credit |
HUMAN BIOLOGY 102: Introduction to Human Biology | Biological Sciences - 3 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - .75 Credit |
HUMAN BIOLOGY 215: Personal Health & Wellness | Sustainability Perspectives - 3 Credits | Phy Ed or Health - .75 Credits |
HUMAN BIOLOGY 217: Human Disease & Society | Biological Science, Global Culture, Sustainability - 3 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - .75 Credit |
HUMAN BIOLOGY 221: Anatomy & Physiology I | Biological Science & Lab - 4 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - 1 Credit |
HUMANISTIC STUDIES 100: Living the Huminites | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
HUMANISTIC STUDIES 110: Introduction to Film | Humanities - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
HUMANISTIC STUDIES 201: Introduction to the Humanities | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
HUMANISTIC STUDIES 213: Ethnic Diversity and Human Values | Ethnic Studies & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
MATH 94: Elementary Algebra | Prerequisites for Math Competency - 3 Non-Degree Credits | Math - .75 Credit |
MATH 99: Intermediate Algebra | Prerequisites for Math Competency - 2 Non-Degree Credits | Math - .5 Credit |
MATH 100: Math Appreciation | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 3 Credits | Math - .75 Credits |
MATH 101: Advanced Algebra | Math Competency - 2 Credits | Math - .5 Credits |
MATH 104: Precalculus | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 4 Credits | Math - 1 Credit |
MATH 202: Calculus & Analytic Geometry I | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 4 Credits | Math - 1 Credit |
MATH 203: Calculus & Analytic Geometry II | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 4 Credits | Math - 1 Credit |
MATH 260: Introductory Statistics | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 4 Credits | Math - 1 Credit |
MUSIC 120: Video Game Music | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
MUSIC 121: Survey of Western Music | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
MUSIC 170: Fundamentals of Music | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
MUSIC 224: Popular Music Since 1955 | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 202: Ethnic Influences on Nutrition | Ethnic Studies Perspective - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 242: Food & Nutritional Health | Biological Sciences - 3 Credits | Science (Elective or Life Science) - .75 Credit |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 250: World Food & Population Issues | Global Culture, Sustainability - 3 Credits | Electives - .75 Credits |
PHILOSOPHY 101: Introduction to Philosophy | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
PHILOSOPHY 103: Logic & Reasoning | Humanities or Quantitative Literacy - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
PHILOSOPHY 208: Biomedical Ethics | Sustainability, Humanities & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
PHILOSOPHY 227: Business Ethics | Humanities - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
PHYSICS 141: Astronomy | Natural Science - 3 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - .75 Credit |
PHYSICS 142: Observational Astronomy | Lab Science - 1 Credit | Science (Elective or Physical) - .25 Credit |
PHYSICS 144: Stars, Galaxies & the Universe | Natural Science - 3 Credits | Science (Elective or Physical) - .75 Credit |
POLITICAL SCIENCES 100: Global Politics & Society | Global Culture, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies (World History or Civics) - .75 Credit |
POLITICAL SCIENCES 101: American Government & Politics | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies (Elective or Civics) - .75 Credit |
PSYCHOLOGY 102: Introduction to Psychology | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
PSYCHOLOGY 203: Introduction to Lifespan Development | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
PSYCHOLOGY 97/205: Social Science Statistics | Quantitative Literacy & Math Competency - 5 Credits | Math - 1.25 Credits |
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 215: Introduction to Public Administration | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
SOCIAL WORK 202: Introduction to Human Services | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
SOCIAL WORK 213: Human Trafficking | Global Culture - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
SOCIOLOGY 101: Introduction to Sociology | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
SOCIOLOGY 130: Contemporary Social Problems | Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
SOCIOLOGY 203: Ethnic and Racial Identities | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Social Science - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
SPANISH 202: Intermediate Spanish Language II | Global Culture - 3 Credits | World Language/Elective - .75 Credit |
THEATRE 110: Introduction to Theatre Arts | Fine Arts - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
THEATRE 211: World Theatre & Performance | Fine Arts, Global Culture & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
WATER SCIENCE 201/202: Introduction to Water Science | Sustainability Perspectives & Lab - 4 Credits | Science - 1 Credit |
WOMEN'S STUDIES 102: Women's Voices | Ethnic Studies Perspective, Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
WOMEN'S STUDIES 203: Gender in Popular Culture | Humanities - 3 Credits | Social Studies - .75 Credit |
WOMEN'S STUDIES 241: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies | Social Science & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | Elective - .75 Credit |
WRITING FOUNDATIONS 100: First Year Writing | English Competency - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
WRITING FOUNDATIONS 105: Research & Rhetoric | English Competency & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
WRITING FOUNDATIONS 200: Professional Writing for Business Majors | English Competency & Writing Emphasis - 3 Credits | English - .75 Credit |
*It is recommended that each college credit equals .25 high school credit on a high school transcript. For example, 3 UW-Green Bay Credits equals .75 high school credits. All classes can contribute to an area of study or count as elective credit.

Need help?
Please contact Adam Landenberger, Associate Director, Dual Enrollment Services at or (920) 366-8598.