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Bylaws are the rules of the road that keep any meeting on track. They also guide our board of directors to ensure the Retiree Association functions properly and is designed for our members.

Recommended by the Founding Board, 4/04/2008
Approved at the Annual Meeting, 9/30/2008
Amended at the Annual Meeting, 9/29/2009
Amended at the Annual Meeting, 10/12/2010
Amended at the Annual Meeting, 10/5/2016
Amended at the Annual Meeting, 9/25/2019

Article I - Name

The name of the organization is the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Retiree Association.

Article II - Mission

  • To support the mission of the campus and enrich its community.
  • To provide Retiree Association-supported scholarships each academic year to qualifying students.
  • To provide a place and a focus for continued intellectual, creative and social engagement of retired faculty and staff with their University.
  • To provide connections between the University and its retirees which encourage positive participation in collegial life and opportunities for contributions and service to the University and the Green Bay area community.
  • To affirm the value of the University's employees, both before and after they attain status as retirees.

Article III - Sponsorship

The UW-Green Bay Retiree Association shall be sponsored by University Advancement of UW-Green Bay. Goals, policies and procedures of the Retiree Association shall be in accordance with Universities of Wisconsin guidelines.

Article IV - Membership

Section 1

  • All faculty, academic staff, classified staff and limited staff who retire from employment at UW-Green Bay are automatically members of the UW-Green Bay Retiree Association.

Section 2

  • Spouses, partners, widows and widowers of UW-Green Bay retirees, and former UW-Green Bay employees who may have retired elsewhere may become associate members of the Retiree Association by notifying the President of the Retiree Association or the list manager of the Retiree Listserv. Associate members may participate in Retiree Association activities and committees.

Section 3

  • Dues: Membership in the Retiree Association is free.

Article V - Management

Section 1. Board Members and Duties

  • The Board of Directors shall consist of between nine and eleven members of the Retiree Association. The members shall have two-year terms with vacancies elected at the Annual Meeting. In the event vacancies occur prior to the Annual Meeting, the Board may, by majority vote, fill such vacancies for the unexpired term. All UW-Green Bay retirees are eligible for appointment to the Board. Successive terms are permissible. The Director of the Office of University Advancement or his/her designee shall be a non-voting adviser to the Board.
  • The Board members will annually elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer from their members. The Board members will elect a replacement, as needed, in the event a vacancy occurs in one of these positions. These members shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws.
  • Duties of the Board Members:
    • The President shall be the chief officer of the Retiree Association, fulfilling all normal duties of that office including, but not limited to, presiding at all meetings of the Board of Directors, affixing an official signature to the Association documents, appointing the chairs or co-chairs of the committees, and representing the Association in an official capacity.
    • The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, exercise the duties of the President. The Secretary shall record the minutes of these meetings: Board of Directors, Annual Meeting, and special meetings called by the President.
    • The Secretary shall record the minutes of these meetings: Board of Directors, Annual Meeting, and special meetings called by the President.
    • The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining all financial records, certifying the accuracy of all requests for expenditures, and for preparing quarterly reports of income and expenses. The Treasurer shall also prepare a summary report for the Annual Meeting.
  • The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to determine the broad policy, purposes, programs and directions of the Association and to assess the successes and/or limitations of the various Association activities.

Section 2. Standing Committees

  • There shall be two Standing Committees responsible to the Board of Directors, with guidelines determined by the Board.
    • Service: responsible for planning and implementing service projects that will benefit the University, Association members, and the larger community.
    • Program: responsible for planning and implementing educational, social and recreational activities of interest to the membership.
  • Ad Hoc committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as needed for special projects.

Article VI - Board Member Selection & Meeting

Section 1. Board Member Selection

  • The Board of Directors shall serve as the Nominating Committee and shall propose a slate of nominees to fill vacant positions at the annual Board meeting.
  • The President, or designee, will introduce the slate of new Board members for approval at the Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Meetings

  • The Annual Meeting shall be held during the fall academic term.
  • The Board shall establish a schedule of meetings.
  • For all Board meetings, a majority of all Board members is required in order to conduct business.
  • Any action taken at the Annual Meeting or at a special meeting of the Association must be approved by the members present.

Article VII - Amendments of the bylaws

These bylaws may be amended at the UW-Green Bay Retiree Association Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, as long as the amendment has been submitted to the membership at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting.

Original bylaws adopted: forwarded by the Founding Board 4/04/08, for approval at the Annual Meeting, 9/30/08.

Brian Rammer

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As Director of Alumni Relations and an alum of UW-Green Bay, Brian Rammer is committed to our community. He helps support the Retiree Association. If you have questions, he can help!

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