Internal Submission Process
Follow the steps on THIS DOCUMENT or the steps below, to guide you through the process of writing and submitting a grant proposal at UWGB. Office of Grants and Research (OGR) staff are always available to assist you through this process.

Step 1: Notify Your Department Chair And OGR
Notify your department chair and the Office of Grants and Research (OGR) about your intent to submit. Make sure your Department Chair supports your proposal idea and the potential time commitment or other resources that will be dedicated to the project. Inform the Office of Grants and Research about your intent to submit so that they can appropriately prepare for your submission.
Step 2: Review the Funding Solicitation
Carefully review the sponsor’s guidelines. Decide as to whether you have enough time to develop a successful proposal AND complete the internal approval process. Look for cost-sharing or matching requirements, indirect cost restrictions, course release needs or other requirements that will require additional campus or collaborator meetings or requests.
Step 3: Review the UWGB extramural Proposal Submission Checklist
Review the UWGB E-Transmittal Form Submission Checklist to find a list of all forms and directions required for internal review of your submission prior to submission to the external sponsor. Many of the required forms or guidance documents can be found HERE.
Step 4: Develop the Proposal
A complete list of proposal preparation resources can be found HERE. You can always contact the OGR for assistance with developing your proposal. If time permits, the OGR will schedule a check-in with you three weeks prior to the submission deadline: Three week check-in guide.
STEP 5: Submit your E-transmittal form to the Office of Grants & Research
When your completed E-transmittal form is submitted to the Office of Grants and Research, OGR staff and the relevant additional signatories will receive an email notifying them to review and approve the E-transmittal form. Signatories may include the PI, other key personnel, department chair or director, dean, OGR Director (Roger Wareham), OGR Program Manager (Kristin Kearns) and OGR Program Specialist (Trisha Linssen).
STEP 6: Proposal Submission to external agency
When all signatures have been secured, the PI has the option of submitting the proposal him/herself, or the Office of Grants and Research can submit the proposal. All federal submissions must be submitted by the OGR.
STEP 7: Monitor your email
Monitor your email for a submission confirmation; it may come directly to you from the sponsor or from the Office of Grants and Research. In some instances, the sponsor will request additional materials or information related to your proposal; please monitor your e-mail for further instructions.
STEP 8: Notification
The sponsor will provide a notification on the outcome of the review process. If the project was selected for funding, congratulations! You will now move into the award management phase. If your project was not selected for funding, determine whether to revise and resubmit your application or identify a new sponsor.
Contact Office of Grants and Research Director Roger Wareham and Grant Accountant Jeff Selner regarding award management next steps.