fill in the forms then fall in line
You've gotten this far, don't let a form or two stop you!
To complete our digital forms hosted by Dynamic Forms, you'll need:
- An active UW-Green Bay Network user ID and password
- Your full name
- Entry of your correct 7-digit Student ID Number
Microsoft Word or PDF forms do not require active network credentials. If you are having difficulty accessing a digital form, please contact the Student Services Center at or (920) 465-2111.

Personal Information Updates
Legal name, date of birth, social security number (SSN) or address updates require documentation. Preferred name updates do not require documentation. Please reference our Legal or Preferred Identity Practices Policy with any questions.
- Personal Data Update: Legal or preferred name, legal gender, date of birth, SSN or address updates.
- Name Update (pdf): Legal or preferred name updates.
Graduate Forms
If you are a graduate or doctorate student, your forms are located on the Graduate Studies website.
Course Enrollment
It is highly recommended that you meet with your professional / academic advisor before you start registering for classes. To schedule an advising appointment, use EAB Navigate or call (920) 465-2111. Accurate completion of your form is necessary to ensure timely processing. Make sure you have the following information on hand:
- Correct 7-digit Student ID Number
- Complete Class Details
- Instructor’s name and UWGB Email Address
- Completed payment agreement in SIS. Learn more about payment agreements.
When you have gathered your information, please select the appropriate form below:
- Course Registration Override Form: Class prerequisite, instructor consent, closed class, late add and time conflict waivers.
- Audit / Change Grading Basis: non-degree-seeking audit students
- Independent Study / Teaching Assistant / Projects or Research / Honors
- Credit Overload
- Internship / Co-op
- Incomplete Grade**
**Must be completed by instructor.
Program Declarations, Changes, and Drops
To add, drop, or change your declared program, please contact your assigned professional advisor. To find out who your professional advisor is, log into your SIS account.
Marinette, Manitowoc & Sheboygan Campus Change
To change your home campus, use the Campus Change Form.

Need help?
If you have any additional questions, please email the Registrar's Office at for further assistance.