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Record Destruction & Disposal

Records may be disposed of ONLY when the approved record schedule retention period has passed.  You will know when a record is ready for disposal from reviewing your department's Record Management Plan (RMP)'s Inventory Management Worksheet

After the retention period has passed, the record schedule's disposal method will determine how you will dispose of it. Any record whose disposal method is identified as Transfer to Archives cannot be destroyed.  


Records may be recycled ONLY if the assigned retention period has passed and the Record Schedule indicates the disposal method is "Destroy". These records also may fall under the Disposal Records category.  Place these records in your regular recycling or waste receptacle at the proper time.  An example of a record schedule with a Destroy disposal method:

Schedule #


Records Description

Retention Period


Disposal Method


Training Course Materials

Materials prepared and used by staff to provide routine training targeted to internal and external audiences. Records may include, but not limited to, presentations, handouts and other materials

EVT+3 Months

Date materials are superseded or obsolete


Destroy Confidentially

Records may be destroyed ONLY if the assigned retention period has passed and the disposal method is set as "Destroy Confidentially" as these records contain confidential information or PII, such as a social security number, credit card, or medical information.  The Confidential Destruction Process (see below section) is used on the UW-Green Bay campus to ensure employees are disposing of records properly in accordance with a state approved record schedule.  An example of a record schedule with a Destroy Confidentially disposal method:

Schedule #


Records Description

Retention Period


Disposal Method


Public Record Requests and Responses

Records relating to requests for public records as specified under the provisions of Wis. Stat. §§ 19.35-19.37 and the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Includes original request, notice of scope changes to the request, billing, collection of fees, acknowledgement of receipt of request, follow-up letters and transmittal memorandums.

EVT+3 Years

Date response is provided or request is abandoned or withdrawn.

Destroy Confidentially

Confidential Disposal Process

The Records Officer will coordinate a bi-annual confidential record destruction for the campus.  Employees will be notified via email or other internal communication of the date.  A Confidential Disposal Form is required to be completed and must be approved by the Records Officer.  This process ensures that employees have matched their departmental records to an approved record schedule and are aware of the retention period and the disposal method. 

1. Confirm Records Ready for Disposal. Records that may be destroyed include:

  • CONVENIENCE COPIES that are no longer needed by the department, or
  • OFFICIAL RECORDS (paper, email, electronic) past their retention period date, and
  • The record has no pending record requests, audits, or lawsuits that would require retention, and
  • The Record Schedule Disposal Method is: Destroy Confidentially

2. Document Record Disposition.

Using a Confidential Disposal Form (CDF), document the records ready for disposal: dates, approved record schedule number, description of records, retention period, retention disposal method, and if a record is an Original or Copy.  This information can be transferred from your department's RMP Inventory Management Worksheet.    Add an approved record schedule number (RDA) from the Record Schedules List to your form.   Include on your form any electronic records ready for disposal as well.

3. Obtain Departmental Approval

Obtain approval signature from your Department Supervisor and email the CDF form back to UW-Green Bay Records Officer at Once the record schedule and retention period have been confirmed, you will be sent an Outlook calendar appointment as a placeholder with directions to bring your records to the Mail Room Loading Dock on the assigned day for collection.

4. Prepare Records for Disposal

  • Electronic Records: If you are preparing disposal for electronic records, you may delete these records at this time (they will not be required to be disposed of in a box).
  • Paper Records: You do not need to remove staples or paper clips before placing records in boxes. DO NOT purchase new boxes for this process as they will be destroyed. Binders or hanging folders are not allowed and should be removed before placing in the disposal box.

5. Bring Records to the Mail Room Loading Dock on Scheduled Date

On the designated date and time, take your records to the Lab Sciences Mail Room Delivery Dock. These will be disposed of for you. The Records Officer (or designee) will be available should questions arise.  You must stay with your records until they are loaded onto the truck.

Urgent Records Disposal

If you have urgent records that need to be destroyed outside the confidential destruction process, contact the Records Officer (or designee). Fill out the Confidential Disposal Request, have it signed by your supervisor and forward to the Records Officer (or designee).