Signatory Authority
The Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance, Provost and the Contracting Officer are the only people that have signature authority for procurement contracts and agreements for UW-Green Bay as delegated by the Wisconsin Department of Administration. The Contracting Officer is authorized to delegate limited signatory authority on behalf of UW-Green Bay.
Procurement Contracts
University employees assigned Delegation of Signature Authority under §36.11
The intent of this policy is to protect UW-Green Bay staff from unknowingly entering into a contract or agreement containing provisions that by State law cannot be honored. There are a number of agreement/contract terms and conditions which UW-Green Bay cannot legally agree to (e.g., indemnification, hold harmless, etc.). If unauthorized department staff sign a contract or agreement, they may be found to be acting outside the scope of their employment and can be held responsible for any costs or damages to UW-Green Bay that may result from the contract and any resulting action. Staff should also be aware that employees signing contracts or agreements beyond the scope of their employment are not able to contractually obligate UW-Green Bay. A contract is not enforceable against either party until authorized signatures by both parties are applied.
When department staff receive a contract or agreement requiring authorized signatures, the staff person must attach the related contract or agreement to the appropriate payment document (ex. PIR, IIA, etc.) and route through normal approval channels. The Contracting Officer will review, edit as necessary and apply the appropriate signature.
Under certain circumstances, some contracts/agreements require special approvals and may need a formal special approval form or justification for purchase (see PPP #14 Special Approvals).
State law prohibits the acceptance of some terms and/or conditions. If the agreement is edited and returned to the vendor for approval and signature but agreement with the vendor cannot be reached, Purchasing may consult UW-Green Bay Legal Counsel.
Departments may contact Purchasing at x2598 for assistance.