Grill & Fire Permit
Phoenix love flames, but...
Before you light the grill or fire pit, check out the University policy for that.
Fire pits are known to be a great source of warmth and ambience, and who doesn't love the smell of the grill? But fire safety is important. About 5,700 grill fires happen on residential properties in the U.S. each year, injuring almost 3,800 Americans. Find out if your blazing plans are within the University Fire Safety Police and when you need reservations and a fire permit.

Phoenix Park Fire Pit Procedures
Fire pits are known to be a great source of warmth and ambience, but safety is important. That's why the Phoenix Park Fire Pit requires a reservation along with a fire permit from the University Police along with your fire permit. Fire pit use is NOT first come-first serve.
Rules for Using the Fire Pit
Follow the rules to have fun with your flock. If you don't, the University Police will need to end your gathering, and you may be subject to potential sanctions.
- Obtain a fire permit from the University Police. Failure to obtain such permit prior to operation will result in termination of activity and potential disciplinary sanction.
- Supply untreated firewood
- Firewood must be purchased or produced from a location not further than 10 miles from the UW-Green Bay Campus.
- Use of charcoal or other material, including treated wood, as fuel is NOT allowed.
- Have a working fire extinguisher available at all times.
- The extinguisher is for USE IN EMERGENCIES ONLY and should not be used to douse the fire at the end of the night.
- The extinguisher should be within 10 feet of the fire pit at all times during the fire.
- Removal of fire extinguishers from campus property for this purpose is strictly prohibited.
- Fill a bucket, not less than 5 gallons in size, with water and have it at the fire site prior to starting.
- Keep it within 10 feet of the fire pit at all times during the use.
- Use it at the end to douse the embers.
- Start the fire with newspaper and kindling. Use of lighter fluid, gasoline, alcohol or kerosene to light, relight or accelerate the fire is strictly prohibited.
- Do not have a fire when weather conditions or local circumstances make fires hazardous.
- Keep the fire within a designated metal fire ring.
- Extinguish the fire by 12:00 a.m. (No additional fuel should be added after 11:15 p.m.)
- Do not leave the fire area until it is completely extinguished.
- Maintain a controlled noise level at the fire pit. Use of sound amplifying equipment isn't allowed. Music may be played at a reasonable volume that is not disturbing others.
Clean Up
- Doused all embers with water (not a fire extinguisher) at the conclusion of the fire.
- Remove all trash from the fire pit area at the end of the activity.
- Consumption of alcohol at any time during by any individual is prohibited.
- Food may be consumed so long as all trash is removed.
General Safety
- Exercise the same precautions you would with an open fire.
- Keep children supervised at all times during the fire; don't allow them to use the fire pit.
- Don't wear flammable or loose-fitting clothing such as nylon around a fire.
- Keep the fire to a manageable size, do not overload the pit.
- Check wind direction before you light the fire. Remain attentive to the wind speed and direction to ensure sparks don't injure anyone or cause property damage.
- Keep area clear of flammable material and fluids such as gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene and charcoal lighter fluid or vehicles while in use.
- Keep wildlife, children and pets away.
- Do not burn trash, leaves, paper, cardboard or plywood. Avoid using soft wood such as pine or cedar that's likely pop and throw sparks. Use of seasoned hardwood is suggested.
- Before you light the fire, check the wind direction.
- Keep a fire extinguisher or garden hose nearby.
Grill Safety
Propane and charcoal grills must only be used outdoors. Used indoors, or in any enclosed spaces such as tents, is a fire hazard and risks exposing occupants to toxic gases and potential asphyxiation. To use propane and charcoal grills properly:
- Position the grill well away from siding and deck railing, and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
- Place the grill a safe distance from lawn games, play areas and foot traffic.
- Keep children and pets from the grill area; keep a 3-foot "safe zone" around the grill.
- Use long-handled grilling tools for plenty of clearance from heat and flames when cooking.
- Periodically remove grease or fat buildup in trays below the grill so it can't be ignited.
Propane Grills
- Check the propane cylinder hose for leaks before using it for the first time each year. A light soap and water solution applied to the hose will reveal escaping propane quickly by releasing bubbles.
- If you find a gas leak and there is no flame, turn off the propane tank and grill.
- If the leak stops, have a professional service the grill.
- if the leak does not stop, call the fire department.
- If you find a gas leak and there is no flame, turn off the propane tank and grill.
- Use only equipment bearing the mark of an independent testing laboratory. Follow manufacturers' instructions on how to set up the grill and maintain it.
- Never store propane cylinders in buildings or garages. If you store a gas grill inside during the winter, disconnect the cylinder and leave it outside.
Charcoal Grills
- Buy the proper starter fluid and store out of reach of children and away from heat sources.
- Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals or kindling have already been ignited.
- Never use any flammable or combustible liquid other than charcoal starter fluid.
Fire Safety Policy
No person may light, build or use, or cause another to light, build or use, any fires, including but not limited to burning candles, burning incense or gas or charcoal cooking appliances, on University lands or facilities except in such places as are established for these purposes and designated by the chief administrative officer [UWS 18.10 (04)].
Authorized Use
Academic and operational use of open fire, which meets the mission of the University is exempt from this policy. For example, open flame use in supervised science experimentation and demonstrations, Studio Arts processes (welding, forging), Facilities maintenance activities (welding) and approved catering events using candles or grills are exempt from the permitting process.
Use of gas or charcoal cooking appliances are prohibited except when authorized and supervised by the area leader or designee in the following locations:
- Facilities Management
- Kress Events Center
- Housing and Residential Education
- Shorewood
- University Union
- The Weidner
Temporary permits for any other use of open fire may be granted by University Police, if the activity meets the mission of the University. No use of open fire is allowed without a completed and approved permit. Permits will rarely be granted and only under extraordinary circumstances. A permit application must be completed and returned to University Police a minimum of two weeks before the scheduled event.
Safety Regulations
All activities using open fire (including gas and charcoal cooking appliances and exempted activities) must adhere to applicable local, state and federal standards covering use of open fire including but not limited to required use of personal protective equipment, proper ventilation and maintenance of safe distances from combustibles. Activities using open fire must be supervised at all times by a designated person responsible to oversee the use, safety guidelines are followed and all use is extinguished.

Have Questions?
Like all Phoenix, light a spark—but don’t let the fire become uncontrolled. With any questions about grill and fire safety, get in touch with us.